
  • 网络Web Designer;Website Designer;flash
  1. RevoTech的妙敏觉说,他一直在寻找网页设计师,可是都一年多了还是没找到合格的人才。

    Myo Myint Kyaw of Revo Tech said he had been looking for a web designer for more than a year , but could not find qualified talent .

  2. 现在的进程处在安置巨型服务器的阶段,电视台正在招募一名网页设计师,一名DJ,一名脚本作家和几名其他的员工。

    Currently in the process of setting up giant-size servers , the TV station is advertising open positions for a web designer , a DJ , scriptwriter and contents staff .

  3. 如今,秘书的数量已经减少,但电脑程序员和网页设计师却越来越多。

    Today the pool of secretaries has shrunk , but there are ever more computer programmers and web designers .

  4. 她的其中一位老板是伦敦附近的一名投资经理,另一位则是纽卡斯尔(Newcastle)的一名网页设计师。

    One of her bosses is an investment manager in nearby London , the other a website designer in Newcastle .

  5. BluefishEditor是一个面向程序员和网页设计师、强大开源的文本编辑器。

    Bluefish Editor is a robust , open source text editor geared towards programmers and web designers .

  6. 自信地表达出你的专业意见对客户更好地认识他们所聘请的网页设计师有很大的帮助,他们会认为你不仅仅只是具有设计软件,HTML和CSS的知识。

    Confidently expressing your expert opinion will often go a long way towards helping clients realize that they employ web designers for a lot more than knowledge of design software , HTML and CSS .

  7. POSH的产生,来自一群令人追崇的网页设计师,他们希望能够写出简短、易记,能够使人一看就知道其意义的语义化HTML。

    The term POSH was coined because a group of highly respected web designers wanted to have a short mnemonic to easily capture the essence of the concept of Semantic HTML .

  8. 信息社会网页设计师的职责与修养

    On the Obligations and Qualifications of Webpage Designers in the Information Society

  9. 现在,一个更广阔的世界已经摆在网页设计师的面前。

    This opens up a world of opportunity for the contemporary web designer .

  10. 网页设计师不仅仅是像素抄写员。

    Web designers are much more than pixel pushers .

  11. 支付网页设计师,以更新必要时配合。

    Pay web designers to update when necessary .

  12. 网页设计师素质探究

    Probing into Qualities of a Frontpage Designer

  13. 还有索尼亚是一名网页设计师。

    And sonia 's a web designer .

  14. 学习文艺复兴时期艺术大师的作品对成为一个网页设计师能有所帮助吗?

    Can studying Masters of Arts and Renaissance help the forming of a web designer ?

  15. 同地位相对应,网页设计师的职责和修养也非常的重要和复杂。

    And accordingly the obligations and qualifications of webpage designers are both important and complicated .

  16. 杨晨:网页设计师。那她能帮我什么?

    Jody : No , she 's not a psychologist . She 's a web designer .

  17. 这工具旨在帮助网页设计师检测网页布局在不同版本浏览器中是否存在问题。

    This is a tool that helps web designers diagnose page layout problems across multiple browsers .

  18. 许多网页设计师和开发人员的范围,涵盖的学科技能,众说纷纭。

    Many web designers and developers have a multitude of technical skills covering a range of disciplines .

  19. 如果你有设计技能避旅行及图形,你可以是一个网页设计师。

    If you have skills in lay-outing and graphic design , you can be a website designer .

  20. 同时,网页设计师也在参与一个深度发现的过程。

    At the same time , the Web designer was going through an in-depth discovery process as well .

  21. 你也知道,即使是最好的网页设计师,开发人员,和程序员都弄砸了。

    You know , even the very best web page designers , developers , and programmers screw up .

  22. 我们意识到客户有权选择他们喜欢的浏览器–网页设计师也同样如此。

    We recognize that customers have a choice over their preferred browsers – and so do web designers .

  23. 另外任何真正的网页设计师可能会爆炸,并开始在嘴起泡在阅读这篇文章。

    Additionally any real web designers will probably explode and start frothing at the mouth after reading this article .

  24. 电脑操作和艺术欣赏的综合能力则是一个平面设计师或网页设计师理想的先决条件。

    A combination of computer skills and artistic ability are ideal prerequisites for a graphic artist or web designer .

  25. 槿善是网页设计师热爱,建设高素质的基于内容的网站就特定议题。

    Gord Shin is web designer who loves to build high quality content based website on specific niche topics .

  26. 我是一个网页设计师,我想认识更过的朋友,并提高我的英语水平。

    I am a web designer , I want to make a like-minded friends , and to improve my English .

  27. 为了获得更好的结果,你可以提高一个网页设计师,这将有助于你产生更大的和有效的输出。

    For better results you can higher a web designer which will help you to generate greater and efficient output .

  28. 安迪克拉克是一个视觉的网页设计师设在英国,并开始他的设计顾问的东西,废话在1998年。

    Andy Clarke is a visual web designer based in the UK and started his design consultancy stuff and nonsense in 1998 .

  29. 而且任何网页设计师都能够掌握,了解这些方法,因此关于哪一种方法是正确的谈论从未停止过。

    And as any Web designer knows all too well , there 's no shortage of ideas about which is the right way .

  30. 汉密尔顿女士是洛杉矶的一位网页设计师。她利用互联网来传播早期网站生活的日志。

    Ms Hamilton , a web designer in Los Angeles , used the internet to broadcast a daily chronicle of early dotcom life .