
  • 网络network survivability
  1. 高强度电磁脉冲下IP光网络生存性协调机制

    IP over Optical Network Survivability Coordinated Mechanism Under High-intensity EMP

  2. 基于主动策略IP网络生存性关键问题的研究

    Research on the Key Issues of Proactive IP Network Survivability

  3. 采用多层恢复机制的IPoverWDM网络生存性研究

    Survivability of IP over WDM Network Using Multilayer Recovery Mechanism

  4. IPoverWDM网络生存性研究

    Study on the Survivability for IP over WDM Optical Networks

  5. 基于网络生存时间的adhoc网络节能路由研究

    Study on Energy Efficient Routing Based on Network Lifetime in Ad Hoc Networks

  6. SDH接入网的网络生存性研究

    Survivability of SDH access networks

  7. 介绍了网格状结构波分复用(wavelength-divisionmultiplex,WDM)光传送网中增强网络生存性的两种恢复策略-链路恢复和通道恢复。

    Two network restoration schemes are presented for network survivability enhancement , link based restoration and channel based restoration .

  8. 通过仿真实验与顺序分配路由(SAR)算法的比较,结果表明该路由算法在提供差别服务和提高网络生存期方面具有明显的优势。

    According to the comparisons with the SAR routing algorithm , this algorithm has obvious advantages in providing different services and prolonging the network lifetime .

  9. 仿真结果显示,SCA算法在网络生存时间方面的性能要优于LEACH算法。

    Simulation shows that the SCA algorithm is superior to the LEACH algorithm in network lifetime . 3 .

  10. WDM光网络生存性策略及仿真变压器仿真与保护新算法的研究

    Survivability of WDM Optical Network and Performance of Different Protection Algorithms RESEARCH ON SIMULATION AND NEW PROTECTION ALGORITHMS OF TRANSFOMER

  11. 研究出一种最优的WDM光网络生存策略,是未来全光网络组网的重要方面之一。

    The paper gives a most optimized survival strategy of WDM mesh network , which is one of important issues in optical network .

  12. 介绍了宽带网络生存性的最新国内外研究动态,进而深入讨论了多层网络生存性综合控制策略,并提出了一种有效的SDH/ATM网络生存性控制策略。

    This paper discusses integrated survivability control strategies in multi layers broadband networks and presents a efficient survivability escalation strategy for SDH based ATM transport networks .

  13. 并提出一种凝聚层次的聚集算法,对Fusion节点的移动协调控制,解决相邻区域节点重叠收集的问题,消除收集冗余,提高网络生存周期。

    Then propose a hierarchical clustering algorithm to achieve coordinating control to the movement of Fusion nodes , resolve the overlapping collection problem of adjacent regional nodes , eliminating collecting redundancy and improving network survival period .

  14. 最后,通过借助Matlab仿真软件,对这两种改进方法进行了仿真实验,实验结果表明:改进后的协议比原协议在节能、网络生存时间等方面有了较好的改善。

    Finally , by using Matlab simulation software , the simulation experimental results of these two improved methods show that the improved protocols are better than the original protocols in the energy and network lifetime .

  15. 仿真实验表明,LRA在传输时延、丢包率、网络生存周期和网络可扩展性等方面均优于SAR协议和SPEED协议。

    Simulation experiments show that , level ranking algorithm is better than SAR protocol and SPEED protocol in transmission delay , packet loss rate , network lifetime , and network scalability .

  16. 最后用Mat-lab对LEACH算法和改进后的算法进行仿真,证实改进后的算法在网络生存时间和簇负载平衡程度上比LEACH算法有了很大提高。

    The result of the emulation proves that the improved algorithm is much better than LEACH in lifetime and LBF .

  17. 分析的结果显示,与全光纤保护相比,这种基于无线Mesh的组网方式有更高的网络生存性,同时无线接入的方式可以使终端用户的接入更加灵活方便。

    The results of the analysis show that the wireless Mesh-based networking has a higher network survivability compared with the protection of the all-fiber-based network networking , and the wireless access can provide a more flexible access schemes for end-user .

  18. 研究结果表明,虚拟MIMO分簇算法比LEACH算法在节能和网络生存时间方面更加优越,当网络结构参数选择恰当时,其生存时间可增加数倍。

    The results show that the virtual MIMO clustering algorithm outperforms the LEACH algorithm in energy saving and network lifetime . When the network parameters are appropriate , the lifetime of virtual MIMO network could increase several times .

  19. WPCS覆盖策略以最小化重叠面积为准则,其目的是最大化网络生存时间。

    The Well-Proportioned Coverage Strategy ( WPCS ) is presented which extends the lifetime of sensor network by minimizing the overlap area .

  20. 通过仿真,发现LTCH算法远远优于传统LEACH算法,在通信量和网络生存期上都有很大的提高。

    Through experiment , we get that LTCH more better than LEACH , and has much improvement in communication times and network live-time .

  21. 仿真结果表明,与之前提出的虚拟MIMO多跳传输策略相比,VMMM传输策略能够有效延长网络生存时间达50%以上。

    Simulation results show that compared with the previous virtual MIMO multi-hop transmission scheme , our scheme prolongs the network lifetime by at least 50 % .

  22. 基于P-path和P-cycle混合配置的光网络生存性动态机制研究

    Study on Dynamic Schemes for Optical Network Survivability Based on the Combination of P-path and P-cycle

  23. 首先,在大量阅读网络生存性相关文献并借鉴前人分析研究成果的基础上,对IP/WDM光网络各层生存性策略特点,以及多层网络生存性策略之间的协调机制进行了比较研究。

    Survivability of WDM Optical Network and Performance of Different Protection Algorithms The main research of the thesis is as follows : Firstly , I have read lots of papers about survivability of optical network , and research former method on the survivability schemes .

  24. 本文介绍网络生存性的概念与意义,讲述网络保护和恢复的总体考虑,并以SDH传送网为例简要介绍电层的保护、恢复方法和设计考虑。最后讨论网络的多层生存性问题。

    This paper presents the concept and meaning of network survivability , the general consideration over the network protection and restoration and exemplifies the electrical layer protection and restoration methods as well as design considerations with the SDH transport network .

  25. 最后,通过Matlab仿真工具,对不同情况下的节点的能量消耗、网络生存时间等方面进行性能评估,验证本文提出的负载均衡轨迹规划策略以及多执行器动态分区策略的有效性。

    Then partition the network with Voronoi diagram . Finally , simulations of energy consumption of sensor nodes , network lifetime and other aspects are taken in Matlab under different conditions , to verify the proposed aggregation point selection strategy and the effectiveness of the multi-actuator dynamic partitioning strategy .

  26. 模拟结果表明,算法AASA在保持可接受跟踪质量的前提下,能有效地解决能量消耗不平衡的问题,并且在节省能量、延长网络生存时间等有很好的效果。

    Simulation results show that AASA solves the uneven energy depletion phenomenon , obtains significant energy savings and prolongs the network lifetime , while keeping acceptable tracking quality .

  27. 基于无线传感器网络生存周期最大化的要求,提出了一种基于消息驱动的目标动态跟踪簇算法(DTA),提高了目标跟踪精度和网络寿命。

    Based on the requirement of maximization of the life circle of WSNs , the paper proposed a dynamic process of target tracking DTA ( Dynamic Tracking Algorithm ) based on message driven , improving the tracking precision and the life circle of the network .

  28. 仿真和分析结果表明:PSRC-DSR协议可以提高网络生存时间,同时有利于能量的节约。

    Simulation and analysis results show that network lifetime of PSRC-DSR protocol has a certain improvement and it can save the network energy .

  29. 多个F节点协作收集信息可均衡节点能耗,延长网络生存周期。最后,利用多层移动传感网络仿真平台(MM-WSN)进行仿真实验,验证移动控制策略的可行性。

    The Fnodes make joint efforts to collect information , which can balance energy consumption and prolong network lifetime . Finally , we simulate with MM-WSN ( Multi-tier Mobile Wireless SensorNetwork ) software platform , to validate efficiency of the strategy .

  30. 论文结合数据优先级和能量优先级提出了一种S-MAC的改进协议,实现了重要数据的快速传送,延长了网络生存时间。

    In this paper , an improved S-MAC protocol is proposed based on data priority and energy priority . The improved protocol not only achieved the efficient transmission for higher-priority data , but also prolonged the lifetime of WSN .