
  • 网络traffic factor
  1. 这样就实现了对选址相关的三个主要因素:人口因素,竞争因素,交通因素的综合分析,使选址的结果更加科学和有效。

    Then it achieves the integrative analysis of population factor , competitive factor and traffic factor , which make the location result more scientific and effective .

  2. 并结合灰色关联分析法和空间回归模型,研究得到影响县域经济差异的成因主要为农业因素,工业因素,交通因素。

    Combining the gray incidence analytic and the spatial regression mode , we get the conclusion that the reasons mainly influence county territory economical including agricultural , the industry and the traffic factor .

  3. 并且建立起基于道路交通因素的开发强度临界控制的计算公式。

    A formula of development intensity critical control based on road traffic factors is set .

  4. 区位条件中最主要的是交通因素,其影响力具有决定性作用。

    Traffic communication is the most important factor among them and its influence has a decisive role .

  5. 自然地理环境:1、自然环境因素;2、地形因素;3、交通因素。

    Natural geographic environment : one , natural factors ; two , Terrain factors ; three , transport considerations .

  6. 省际边境地区经济发展缓慢主要是由:自然地理因素、体制因素、交通因素造成的。

    Reasons of the slow economic development in the provincial border areas include : natural geographical factors , systematic reasons , and transportation elements .

  7. 加入交通因素后重新规划的街区建筑模式中,人、车辆和建筑等各项实体更加集中,联系更加密切。

    The re-planning building block model of joining transport factors , people , vehicles , buildings and other entities are more focused and closely linked .

  8. 本文试图通过对交通因素的分析来探讨武汉市空间形态的形成与变迁。

    This paper discusses the spatial morphology growth of wuhan-a great city in the middle Changjiang River with through the research focus on the transportation factors .

  9. 村民在治病行为选择上主要受治疗效果背后的疾病观念的影响、经济及交通因素的制约及包括医患关系和语言交流在内的人文关怀因素的考量。

    Villagers mainly take into account the choice of treatment behavior about the factor of therapeutic effect , financial condition and Humanistic care including the doctor-patient relationship and the verbal communication .

  10. 本文从控制论的基本知识出发,结合本文的研究内容,初步建立起对基于道路交通因素的山地旧城改造项目开发强度临界控制系统的整体认识。

    There is an overall comprehension of projects development intensity critical control in mountain cities urban redevelopment based on road traffic factors as a whole , basing on the theories of cybernetics .

  11. 对路段、路段长度分布的随机化和警察等交通因素和交通现象进行建模和较为细致的模拟研究。

    Some new models were made and simulated in detail for the traffic factors and phenomena : road sections , the random distribution of road sections with different length , and traffic police .

  12. 其原因除交通因素之外,还有传统的生产、经营方式,传统的商人阶层构成及商业精神等内在因素。

    The reasons , except for the traffic , were the internal factors such as the traditional form of production and operation , traditional form of the merchant stratum and commercial spirits , etc.

  13. 以树型方式建立地图知识库,将各种交通因素体现于耗散值及估价函数中,从而实现汽车路线规划及导航的智能化。

    The road map knowledge base is set up in the tree mode and the cost depending on the traffic information and all these to help making route planning and car navigating more intelligent .

  14. 然后,基于对无水港内涵的分析,从无水港的内在发展规律出发,分析了影响内陆无水港选址的经济因素、政策因素、交通因素。

    Then , based on the dry ports connotations analyzing , from the inherent law of development of dry ports , analyzed the impact factors like economic , policy , traffic for Hinterland Dry Ports location .

  15. 外部因素包括经济因素、人口因素、交通因素、竞争因素、规划政策因素等;内部因素包括商业定位、商业业态、设施构成、空间形态和商业中心活力等。

    External factors include economic factors , demographic factors , transport factors , competitive factors , planning policy factors . Internal factors include commercial posture , retail formats , facilities , spatial forms , the activity of commercial center .

  16. 分析资源因素、经济因素、人口因素、交通因素,发现景区存在的限制因素主要有经济发展水平较低;距离客源市场较远;环保意识有待提高。

    Through the analysis of resource factors , economic factors , demographic factors , traffic factors , Found that the limiting factors are economic development level is low ; Far from the tourist market ; Environmental awareness needs to be improved .

  17. 通过对丘陵城市道路系统的各个影响因子的深入分析,即自然影响因素、景观视觉因素、交通因素、工程技术因素这几个方面的研究,提出了丘陵城市道路系统规划设计的特殊要求。

    The part puts forward special requirements for the planning of the city road system in hills region by further analysis on the influencing factors to the city road system in hill regions such as natural factor 、 landscape factor 、 traffic factor and engineering factor .

  18. 公共交通影响因素的AHP综合评价分析

    AHP Comprehensive Evaluation and Analysis on the Influencing Factors of Public Transportation

  19. 路段动态特征中的交通组成因素研究

    Study on the Influence of Traffic Composition on Road Link Dynamics

  20. 基于道路交通安全因素的交通事故分析

    The Analysis of Traffic Accident Based on Traffic Safety Elements

  21. 在影响交通通行因素中气候条件是主要的因素之一。

    The climatic conditions is a major factor in factors which affect the crossings .

  22. 我国道路伤害与交通环境因素关系的流行病学分析

    An epidemiological analysis on the relationship between road injury and traffic environment in China

  23. 公路设计应考虑的交通安全因素研究

    Research on Traffic Safety Factors in Highway Designing

  24. 城市空间轴向发展的交通诱导因素分析

    Study on the Traffic Induced Strategy of Urban-Axial-Development

  25. 城市轨道交通危险因素分析

    Analysis on risk factors of urban subway

  26. 赵德龙一边说,还在一边试着努力控制电动自行车新型交通危险因素。

    Zhao said as he tried to keep China 's newest road hazard in check .

  27. 基于交通流因素的城市道路交通事故分析预测研究

    Study of Urban Road Traffic Accidents Analysis and Forecast Based on the Traffic Flow Factors

  28. 基于改进型灰色关联度的港口船舶交通事故因素分析

    The Analysis of Factors Leading to Ship Accidents in Port Based on Improved Grey Relevance Theory

  29. 为客户节省每一分因交通等因素造成的隐形成本。

    To save every penny for clients on the implicit costs of transportation and other factors .

  30. 文章对互通式立交方案所需重点考虑的交通功能因素进行了详细分析,为设计、方案评审提供参考依据。

    The paper analyzes some transport functions influencing the plan selection for references for the design and plan evaluation .