
  • 网络Transport equipment;Transportation Equipment;Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Industry
  1. 建立了选择区域主导产业的数学模型,并应用该模型选择出当前宁德市的主导产业是:电力、热力的生产和供应业,电气机械及器材制造业,交通运输设备制造业。

    A mathematical model of the selection of regional leading industry is built , through which we choose production and supply of electric power and hot power , electric equipment and machinery , transport equipment as the leading industries for Ningde currently .

  2. 第5章,湖北装备制造业发展重点,总结三、四章的分析结果,指出湖北应重点发展交通运输设备制造业、普通机械制造业、电子及通信设备制造业和电气机械及器材制造业;

    Chapter 5 , the developing stress of Hubei 's equipment manufacturing industry , summarizes the result of chapter 3 、 chapter 4 , indicates that Hubei should put more emphases on transport equipment 、 ordinary machinery 、 electric equipment and machinery and electronic and telecommunication ;

  3. 湖北省交通运输设备制造业竞争力评价

    The Competitiveness Appraising of Transport & Communications Industry in Hubei Province

  4. 交通运输设备制造业能源消耗效率的投入产出分析

    Research on Energy Consumption Efficiency of Transportation Equipment Industry in China

  5. 基于投入产出模型来研究中国交通运输设备制造业的能源消耗效率。

    The paper uses input-output method to analyse the energy consumption efficiency of transportation equipment industry .

  6. 东北地区交通运输设备制造业近年来发展非常迅速,取得了辉煌成就。

    Transportation equipment manufacturing industry in Northeast China has developed very rapidly , and made brilliant achievements in recent years .

  7. 提出通用设备制造业,交通运输设备制造业,电气机械及器材制造业,通信设备、计算机及其他电子设备制造业等为主导产业。

    The ordinary machinery , transportation equipment , telecommunications equipment manufacturing , computer and other electronic equipments etc are the leading industry .

  8. 在此基础上选取了医药制造业、食品饮料业、冶金业、交通运输设备制造业和批发零售业共五个行业作为实证检验的对象。

    Five industries such as pharmaceutical industry , food and beverage industry , metallurgy industry , transportation equipment industry as well as wholesale and retail trade are selected .

  9. 一个国家或地区要走新型工业化道路,必须要有交通运输设备制造业核心竞争力的迅速提高为支撑。

    A country or region which takes the new road of industrialization must have the rapid increase of the core competence of transportation equipment manufacturing as the support .

  10. 研究结果显示,在安徽省的装备制造业的各个子行业中,技术创新能力最好的是交通运输设备制造业。

    The research result shows that the communication and transportation equipment manufacturing division has the best technological innovation capability among all divisions of equipment manufacturing industry in Anhui province .

  11. 近年来,我国交通运输设备制造业得到了快速发展,尤其是其中的汽车制造业、船舶制造业及航空航天器制造业,发展势头更是迅猛。

    In recent years , transportation equipment manufacturing industry has maintained a high speed development , in particular , the automobile industry , ship manufacturing and aerospace manufacturing industries .

  12. 然而,在以交通运输设备制造业为代表的少数资本技术密集、国有经济比重较高行业已形成寡占市场结构。

    However , the monopoly market structure has formed in the transportation equipment manufacturing industry as a representative of the capital and technology intensive and high proportion of state-owned economy industry .

  13. 这些制造业集群既涉及传统产业集群,如纺织业、食品制造业等,也涉及高新技术产业集群,如电子通信业、交通运输设备制造业等。

    These manufacturing industry clusters include not only traditional industry clusters , such as textile industry and food manufacturing , but also fresh industries , such as electronic information industry and electric equipment and special purposes equipment industry .

  14. 接着对装备制造业四个典型行业(电子通讯和计算机制造业、交通运输设备制造业、通用设备制造业、专用设备制造业)发展现状进行分析。

    Secondly , this article analyzes four typical industries of equipment manufacturing industry , such as Electronic and Communication Equipment Manufacturing Sector , Communications and Transportation Manufacturing sector , General Equipment Manufacturing sector , Special Equipment Manufacturing Sector .

  15. 结果显示目前仅仅有重庆的交通运输设备制造业在西部地区具有一定产业集群优势;川渝两地存在产业分布过于平均,优势产业并不明显的问题。

    The results showed that there are currently only transportation equipment manufacturing industry in Chongqing has some advantages of industrial clusters among the west regions ; In Sichuan and Chongqing industrial distribution are too average and the dominant industries are not obvious .

  16. 广东省装备制造业发展的方向和重点是通信设备、计算机及其他电子设备制造业,电气机械及器材制造业,交通运输设备制造业,仪器仪表及办公用设备制造业,金属制品业。

    The computer and other electronic installation manufacturing industry , the electrical machinery and the equipment manufacturing industry , the communication facilities manufacturing industry , and the metal product industry should be developed as the key industry of equipment manufacturing industry in Guangdong Province .

  17. 选择浙江省16个重要产业,并将其归类为纺织服装、造纸及纸制品、木材加工及家具制造、化工业、装备制造业、交通运输设备制造业等六大类来作为实证分析的对象。

    The paper chooses sixteen important industries of Zhejiang , and classifies them as textile and clothing , papermaking and paper products , timber processing and furniture manufacturing , chemical industry , equipment manufacturing and transportation equipment manufacturing which are the objects of empirical analysis .