
  • 网络polyculture;integrated culture;composite cultivation;IMTA
  1. 两种虾、贝、藻综合养殖模式的初步比较

    Comparative Studies on Two Integrated Culture Patterns of Shrimp with Oyster and Seaweeds

  2. 猪草鱼综合养殖试验

    Experiment of Fish-grass-pig Integrated Culture

  3. 滤食性贝类在对虾综合养殖生态系统中的作用

    Role of filter-feeding mollusk in ecosystem of composite cultivation of Penaeus

  4. 对虾塘综合养殖的模式与原理

    The patterns and principles of synthetical culture of the prawn cultivating ponds

  5. 对虾封闭循环式综合养殖系统的规划设计

    The design of experimental base of shrimp in comprehensive culturing and circulating-closed systems

  6. 对对虾塘综合养殖作了详细论述。

    The synthetical culture of the prawn cultivating ponds was discussed in detail .

  7. 对虾综合养殖生态系有机碳的平衡

    Budget of organic carbon in shrimp polyculture ecosystems

  8. 形成了一套封闭式循环水虾&贝综合养殖的新技术。

    There is formed a new set of enclosed circulating waters shrimp-shell compositive cultivation 's technology .

  9. 该综合养殖系统底质污染较严重,养殖效益不显著。

    Pollution of sediment in the composite culture was considerably serious and the culture benefit was not remarkable .

  10. 一种新型对虾多池循环水综合养殖模式红壤积水入渗及土壤水分再分布规律室内模拟试验研究

    A NEW SHRIMP POLY-PONDED RECIRCULATING POLYCULTURE SYSTEM Study on Ponded Water Infiltration and Soil Water Redistribution in Red Soil

  11. 近年来,在“清洁生产”和“生态养殖”理论的指导下,将对虾与其他不同生态位的养殖种类进行合理搭配混养的综合养殖模式已成研究的热点。

    In recent years , guided by the " Cleaner Production " and " Ecological culture ", integrated culture pattern of shrimp and other species was paid great attention to .

  12. 专家鉴定认为:本项目在面积、单产、综合养殖技术及经济、社会效益等方面达到国内先进水平。

    The result , appraised by exPertS , has met the advanced level at home in area , in Per mu yield , in comprehensive culturing technique and economic and social benefit .

  13. 具体分析了淡水池塘养殖生产中鱼池面积,劳动力与资金投入对总产量的影响程度,并提出了最佳综合养殖措施组合方案和养殖的最佳经营规模。

    Effects of the pond size , labour force and capital investment on total production in freshwater fish farming are analysed in detail , and suggestions are made as to the optimum scope and overall management of a fish farm .

  14. 本文根据3个地点4口虾池周年跟踪调查,报道了综合养殖系统的结构及其特点、养殖管理技术、各综合养殖系统的经济效益以及各系统的效益评价。

    Based on date follow up investigation in 4 shrimp ponds at 3 stations during August 1999 ~ July 2000 , structure of polyculture system and its characteristics , culture management technique , economic benefits of different polyculture systems and their benefit appraisement were reported .

  15. 按建立863对虾重点项目综合养殖基地的技术要求,以对虾清洁养殖和对虾分级多茬养殖两种模式为养殖工程工艺设计标准,进行对虾高健康养殖基地的规划设计。

    According to the technical requirements of establishing " Experimental Base of ' 863 ' Key Items of Shrimp " and the design criteria of two models , unpolluted culture technology model and classifying culture technology model , a high healthy cultural base has been planned and designed .

  16. 该模式是一种多元立体的综合养殖模式,科学利用环境和生态的关系,以生态学的基本原理为指导,运用生物修复法来调控和维持养殖环境。

    In general , this pattern was a comprehensive multi ~ dimensional culture model , which made use of the relationship between environment and ecology , taking the ecology basic principle as the instruction . Also this model utilized the bioremediation method to control and maintain the culture environment .

  17. 大型藻类在综合海水养殖系统中的生物修复作用

    Bioremediation capability of large-sized seaweed in integrated mariculture ecosystem : A review

  18. 海珍品综合增养殖中的种间关系和生态容纳量的研究

    Study on the interspecific relationship and ecological capacity in rare marine animals culture

  19. 生物控制法在水产养殖水质净化中的综合应用水产养殖中的环境胁迫及其预防&营养学途径

    Comprehensive application of biological control techniques for water purification in aquaculture Stress in Aquaculture and Its Prevention with Emphasis on Nutritional Methods

  20. 然而,在广泛推广有机畜牧业之前,有必要综合了解这种养殖方式给畜禽生产性能和畜产品品质造成的影响。

    Before extending organic husbandry broadly , however , it is necessary to understand the effect of this cultivation mode on the production performance and product quality of livestock .

  21. 海南岛海产贝类资源的综合评价和增养殖区划的初探

    Preliminary Study on Marine Mollusks Resources in Comprehensive Evaluation and Breed-culture Regionalization of Hainan Island