
  • 网络Comprehensive mechanized coal mining;totally mechanized coal mining
  1. 4.0m左右煤层采用综合机械化采煤的实践

    Practices on fully mechanized coal mining in seam with thickness about 4 m

  2. 分体移动长短壁综合机械化采煤法探索机械化平巷开采中厚煤层法

    Research on Method of Long-and Short-Wall Full-mechanized Mining by Separating-body Moving

  3. 综合机械化采煤工作面合理长度的确定

    Determination of the rational length of the fully - mechanized coal face

  4. 急倾斜煤层综合机械化采煤设备安装的研究

    Study on Installation of Fully-mechanized Coal Mining Equipments in Steep Coal Seam

  5. 长壁综合机械化采煤方法的发展趋势

    Development tendency of fully mechanized longwall coal mining method

  6. 液压支架是煤矿综合机械化采煤工作面的支护设备,单伸缩立柱是液压支架上的主要部件之一。

    Hydraulic powered support is a supporting equipment of integrated mechanized mining face .

  7. 我国综合机械化采煤发展30年回顾

    Review of China Full-mechanized Mining Coal for 30 Years

  8. 本文论述综合机械化采煤设备选型软件的设计。

    This paper deals with the design of the software for the fully-mechanized mining equipment selection .

  9. 工作面地质条件是影响综合机械化采煤的重要因素。

    The working surface geological condition is the important attribute in affecting synthesis mechanization mining coal .

  10. 它的安全性和可靠性直接影响着综合机械化采煤技术的应用和推广。

    Its safety and reliability directly affect the application and promotion of mechanized coal mining technology .

  11. 随着科技的进步,大多高产矿井使用综合机械化采煤方法。

    With the development of science and technology , most productive use of integrated mechanized mining methods mine .

  12. 液压支架是现代化高产高效矿井中保证作业空间和安全生产的重要设备,其安全性和可靠性直接决定着综合机械化采煤技术的成败。

    The hydraulic-powered supports are used to assure the safety and success of the production in modern high-yield and high-efficiency coal mine .

  13. 神火新庄矿薄煤层综合机械化采煤,主要是解决采煤设备的高度和功率问题。

    The low-coal seam synthesis mechanized mining of Shenhuo Xinzhuang mine is mostly to solve the height and power problem of mining equipment .

  14. 综合机械化采煤,是大幅度增加煤炭产量、提高经济效益的必由之路。

    The coal mining of comprehensive mechanization is the way that must be taken to increase significantly coal output and enhance the economic efficiency .

  15. 乳化液泵是高产高效综合机械化采煤配套设备中液压支架支护系统的动力源,在综采工作面中具有十分重要的地位。

    Emulsion pump is the power supply of the hydraulic support system in the high productivity and high efficiency comprehensive mechanized coal mining equipment .

  16. 介绍了综合机械化采煤工作面移动变电站拖曳电缆的电缆滑车装置的设计方案,并总结了使用后的效果。

    The paper introduces design schemes of cable coaster device of pulling cables of moving transformer substation in fully-mechanized face and summarizes the result of application .

  17. 介绍了平煤集团一矿在戊8&31040综合机械化采煤工作面开切眼实施煤巷锚网支护的基本情况。

    This paper introduces open-off cut implementing bolting with wire mesh of coal drift in 31040 fully-mechanized coal winning face of first coal mine of Pingdingshan .

  18. 随着煤矿资源的整合和安全要求的提高,煤矿综合机械化采煤(综采)装备迎来了发展的黄金期。

    With the integration of coal resources and the improvement of the safety requirement , the mechanized mining equipments usher in the golden period of development .

  19. 2002年教育部批准我校采矿工程技术(原综合机械化采煤专业)高职专业为全国的高职高专精品专业。

    In 2002 , Ministry of Education authorized our college 's " Mining Engineering Technology " as one of the excellent specialty of national higher professional colleges .

  20. 液压支架是综合机械化采煤工作面的支护设备,是综采机械设备的组成部分之一。

    The hydraulic support is the support equipment for the mechanized coal face , is an integral part of the comprehensive mechanization of coal mining machinery and equipment .

  21. 本文对综合机械化采煤工作面的三种沼气源的涌出进行了分析。

    In this paper , the methane emitted from three sources , i.e.from the goaf , the coal face and the broken coal , into a mechanized longwall face is analyzed .

  22. 液压支架作为综合机械化采煤主要设备之一,其性能将直接决定了整个综采工作面的安全可靠性和生产效率。

    Hydraulic support as one of the main equipment in fully mechanized coal mining face , its performance will directly affect the safety and production efficiency of fully mechanized coal mining face .

  23. 综采面矿压观测是综合机械化采煤工艺中一项很重要的措施,它为确定综采工作面支架选型以及采煤工艺等的选取提供了可靠的依据。

    The rock thrust observation of working face is an important measure in fully mechanized coal mining process and reliable basis for determining the model of support for working face and the mining process .

  24. 乳化液泵站是综合机械化采煤工作面的主要装备之一,是一种把机械能转变为液压能的能量转换装置,它主要由乳化液泵、乳化液箱组组成。

    Emulsion pump is one of the main equipment of comprehensive mechanized mining face and a kind of conversion device to change mechanical energy into hydraulic energy which is made up of emulsion pump and emulsion box group .

  25. 比如,随着综合机械化采煤技术的发展,有近40%的综采工作面属于来压强烈的坚硬顶板,特别是有薄层直接顶的坚硬顶板工作面分布更广。

    Such as , with the development of comprehensive mechanized coal mining technique , there are 40 percent of coalfaces belong to hard roof with intensive rock pressure , especially , coal faces of hard roof with thin-layer immediate roof distribute more widespread .

  26. 专家系统的研究越来越受到人们的重视,它在综合机械化采煤中的应用刚刚起步,文章详细地论述了ZJXT系统的知识获取与知识库构造,推理机的特点及系统的功能。

    The research on expertise system have been paid more and more attention , however , it is still at the very beginning for application in fully mechanized mining , The paper details know-how acquirement , know how base structure , inference machine 's features and system functions .

  27. 随着综合机械化采煤技术越来越广泛的应用,为保证矿井安全高效开采,充分发挥综采技术的优势,综采工作面准确的地质预测预报成为其重要的安全保障。

    Along with the synthesis mechanization mining coal technology more and more widespread application , for guarantee mine safety highly effective mining , displays the synthesis to pick technical fully the superiority , the synthesis picks the working surface accurate geology to forecast forecasts into its important safety control .

  28. 综合机械化采煤是21世纪采煤发展的趋势,而液压支架、采煤机和刮板输送机是综合机械化采煤的核心,是一个矿井生产的核心,是矿井安全高产高效的保证。

    The fully mechanized coal mining is the development trend in the 21st century , while the hydraulic support , shearer and scraper conveyor are the cores of the fully mechanized coal mining and the mine production , they are key to mine safety , high yield and high efficiency .

  29. 综合机械化放顶煤采煤方法在我国广泛应用。

    Fully mechanized sublevel caving is widely used in China .

  30. 现在的煤矿开采,已经由原有的炮采方式转变为综合机械化开采,液压支架在综合机械化采煤作业中具有非常重要的作用,是机械化采煤必不可少的支护设备。

    Now the coal mining , mining methods have changed from original shot to mechanized mining , hydraulic support in mechanized coal mining operations have a very important role , is essential to support mechanized mining equipment .