
  1. 基于GIS的综合经济区划分方法研究

    The Application of GIS in Economic Zone Planning

  2. 关于东北综合经济区提升为高新技术产业基地的现实论证

    Practical demonstration about upgrading the northeast comprehensive economic region to high-technology industrial base

  3. 辽宁海洋综合经济区划分的初步探讨

    A preliminary approach to the regionalization of the marine comprehensive economic region ( mcer ) in Liaoning

  4. 城步县土地利用概念分区为:中部综合经济区,东北部经济区,东部重工业经济区,西南部经济区。

    Results of conception zoning of Chengbu city are the central economic zone , the economic zone of the northeastern , the eastern part of heavy industry and the economic zone of southwest .

  5. 文章在介绍了完整的区域经济体系的基础上,提出了我国新三大宏观经济地带及10大综合经济区的划分方案,并给出了新三大宏观经济地带的发展对策。

    This article , based on presentation of " the integrated regional economic system ", puts forward the plan of the new three macroscopic economic zone and the ten comprehensive economic region , and the countermeasure to develop the new three macroscopic economic zone .

  6. 本文根据调查统计资料,以新疆86个县市为地域单元,应用主成分分析和系统聚类分析等数学方法,对新疆经济地域类型和综合经济区的划分进行初步探讨。

    In this paper , according to the statistic and investigated data , taking 86 countries ( or cities ) of Xinjiang as the study unit , by the methods of Principal Component analysis and Hierarchical Cluster analysis , economic region types and economic district were discussed .

  7. 本文在综合分析东北经济区运输通道发展现状与特点的基础上,对东北经济区综合运输通道对社会生态系统的正面与负面影响作了战略性与历史性的评价。

    Based on discussing the current developing situation and characteristics of the transport passageways in northeast China comprehensively , the paper evaluated and discussed their positive and negative impacts on social-ecosystem in northeast China historically and strategically .