
zhào xiànɡ zhì bǎn
  • photomechanical process
  1. 蛋白:是一种天然蛋白质,可溶于水,在蛋白中最为常见。这种胶质在照相制版法里用以作重铬酸盐感光剂。

    Albumin ( Albumen ): Natural protein , soluble in water and most commonly found in the Albumins , the colloid used for certain dichromated sensitizes employed in photomechanical process .

  2. 镝灯研制及其在照相制版中的应用

    Dysprosium iodide lamp and its use in photoengraving

  3. 在凸版印刷和照相制版的时代,许多最常用的字体都包含一种叫做展示字体的变体。

    In the days of letterpress and phototypesetting , many of the most-commonly used typefaces were available in a " display face " variation .

  4. 本文从应用工艺研究出发,阐述了光学干版和制版软片的概念、照相制版原理,性能以及制版工艺。

    This paper , on the base of research of applied technology , describes the concept of optical dry plate and plate making film .

  5. 安全灯:使黑房有足够照明的红灯;它方便工作,但并不影响一般的照相制版用物料。

    Safelight : A red light used in a darkroom to provide enough light for work . The red light does not affect most of the photographic materials used for reproduction .

  6. 重氮化合物是人造化学剂的一,由两个氮原子连接而成。常用于配制感光药膜,作照相或制版材料用。

    Diazo compounds diazo compounds form a family of manmade chemicals all of which contain two linked mitrogen atoms commonly used for light sensitive coating in photographic or platemaking materials .