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zhào hǎi
  • Zhaohai
照海[zhào hǎi]
  1. 目的:观察点压肾俞、照海穴对网球运动员定量负荷后血液流变性和自由基代谢的影响,探讨点穴法在运动训练中的作用。

    AIM : To observe the influence of pressing Shenshu and Zhaohai acupoints on the blood fluidity and free radical metabolism in tennis athletes after quantitative load exercise , and investigate the role of digital acupoint pressure in exercise training .

  2. 总结归纳照海穴的临床应用,并列举其治疗失眠、慢性咽炎、尿潴留和神经性皮炎验案四则。

    This paper summarized the clinical application of Zhaohai ( KI6 ) and presented its application in four cases of insomnia , chronic pharyngitis , retention of urine and neurodermatitis .

  3. 阴虚风动:另取太溪,三阴交,照海。随症取穴:除上述体针穴位如语言不利:另取舌三针,哑门,廉泉。

    Acupoints with the disease : In addition to the body acupuncture points , such as language disadvantage : tongue three needles , Yamen , Lian Quan .