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biǎo lǐ
  • exterior and interior;the outside and inside;the outside and the inside;exterior and interior syndromes;one's outward show and inner thoughts;the surface and lining of clothes
表里 [biǎo lǐ]
  • (1) [one's outward show and inner thoughts]∶外表和内心;外面和里面

  • 互相为表里

  • 与胥卒表里。(表里为奸,内外勾结。)--清. 方苞《狱中杂记》

  • (2) [the surface and lining of clothes]∶衣服的面子与里子。亦泛指衣料

  • (3) [the outside and inside]∶事物的内外情况,一切原委

  • 明白了《五卅惨案》一案的表里

  • (4) [exterior and interior syndromes]∶中医指病在浅表和病邪入里或病在内脏的症候

表里[biǎo lǐ]
  1. 学界对双关还存在许多模糊的认识,主要表现在对“两层意义”及“表里”的理解上。

    On pun in the academic , there are still many vague understanding of the " double meaning " and " exterior and interior " .

  2. 表里、寒热、虚实都是疾病过程中所表现的一组组既对立而又统一的正反现象。

    Exterior and interior , cold and heat , weak and strong are demonstrated during the disease procedure as groups of positive and negative phenomena with unified and opposition .

  3. 给字母表里的每个字母赋予相应的数值——A等于1,B等于2,等等。

    Assign the letters of the alphabet their numerical values — A equals 1 , B equals 2 , etc.

  4. 在字母表里排在C之前。

    B comes before C in the alphabet .

  5. DELETE从指明的表里删除满足WHERE子句的行。

    DELETE deletes rows that satisfy the WHERE clause from the specified table .

  6. CAD技术的普遍应用,给表里换层配色花纹织物的设计带来了技术上的突破。

    The widespread application of CAD to the color-patterned design of interchangeable double cloth brings a great breakthrough in technology .

  7. LOAD是将数据从文件系统中的文件里装载到数据库中的一个表里的非常快速而直接的方法。

    LOAD is a very fast and direct way to get data from a file residing in the file system into a table in your database .

  8. 第一个叫catchsomeZs,对的,我们说的是字母表里的Z。

    The first slang is to catch some Zs . Yes , we are talking about Zs , just like in the alphabet .

  9. 今天,我想在此系列里再增加一篇文章,那就是我们在Excel数据透视表里使用条件格式所作的努力。

    Today I want to add one more article to the series , which is the work we have done to make conditional formatting work really well in Excel PivotTables .

  10. SimonCowell在我的词汇表里有太多这样的词可以抽出来形容你多么令人可怕。

    There are only so many words I can drag out of my vocabulary to say how dreadful that was .

  11. Q.如果你把元素周期表里的元素制作成立方砖头,并按照周期表的排列方式把这些方块一个个排起来,会发生什么?--安迪o康诺利

    Q. What would happen if you made a periodic table out of cube-shaped bricks , where each brick was made of the corresponding element ?

  12. 目的通过采用表里双解法对急性湿疹患者的治疗,以及对治疗前后血清IgE变化的观察,探讨刘完素六气怫郁化热理论在急性湿疹治疗中的运用。治疗婴儿湿疹223例疗效观察

    Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of exterior-interior-releasing therapy on IgE in patients with acute eczema . Clinical Observation of Infantile Eczema Treated by Combined Therapy of Chinese and Western Medicine : A Report of 223 Cases

  13. 世界上大多数国家包含在这张表里。

    Most of the world 's nations are on that list .

  14. 字母表里代表元音发音的字母。

    A letter of the alphabet standing for a spoken vowel .

  15. 你没有在履历表里提供推荐人,为什么?

    You have given no references on your resume . why ?

  16. 表里值三角理论与对外汉语教学

    Triangular Theory of Exterior-Interior Value and Teaching Chinese to Foreigners

  17. 他不时地往单词表里加点单词。

    He adds words to the word list from time to time .

  18. 你们在申请表里填的姓是谁的?

    Whose last name did you put on the application ?

  19. 你可以在词汇表里查这个词。

    You can look up this word in the vocabulary .

  20. 一份“108个超级工程”的清单正在中国人的计划表里。

    A list of108 super projects is floating around Chinese message boards .

  21. 单词解释:列入上市证券表这家公司已经被列入了伦敦股票交易所的上市证券表里了。

    eg.The company has listed its shares on the London Stock Exchange .

  22. 日本地方自治的表里

    Present Conditions and Concept of Local Autonomy in Japan

  23. 除了胆,其他的都没有表里关系。

    With the exception of the gallbladder , they have no exterior-interior relationships .

  24. 你不会把这个写到你的表里去吧?

    You 're not gonna put that on the form , are you ?

  25. 这计划和日本人的民族优越感共相表里。

    The program was consistent with the Japanese view of their racial superiority .

  26. 是英语字母表里的第九个字母。

    I is the9th letter of the English alphabet .

  27. 在表里填上正确的字母。

    Write the correct letters in the boxes .

  28. 肾和膀胱与其它的脏腑一样通过经脉形成表里关系。

    The liver meridian connects with the gallbladder to form an exterior interior relationship .

  29. 在帕默医生住处的访客表里查到的

    Was all right there in the visitors ' log where Dr. Palmer lives .

  30. 因为沉睡的灵魂如死一般,事物的表里并不一样

    For the soul is dead that slumbers and things are not what they seem