
  • 网络watch industry
  1. 如果火星人来到地球,恐怕会一头雾水:瑞士钟表业到底有没有出路?

    So how on earth , a Martian might ask , can the Swiss watch industry survive ?

  2. 他对彭博社表示:苹果公司很快就会取得成功,这将给瑞士的传统制表业带来巨大压力。

    Apple will succeed quickly , Elmar Mock told Bloomberg . It will put a lot of pressure on the traditional watch industry and jobs in Switzerland .

  3. 瑞士以制表业和美丽的风景而闻名。

    Switzerland is famous for its watchmaking and beautiful scenery .

  4. 在第一章简要介绍了北极星表业股份有限公司(简称NS公司)的概况。

    The first chapter mainly gives a brief introduction of the MG course and our North Star Watch Co.

  5. 这段话出自本杰明o克莱默。这位前瑞银集团(UBS)咨询师是广受推崇的钟表业垂直网站Hodinkee的创始人兼主编。

    Swrites Benjamin Clymer , the former UBS consultant whfounded and edits the respected horological website Hodinkee .

  6. 近年来,气候变暖效应不断加剧,温室气体排放已成为全球关注的热点,本世纪前半期的减排时间表业已为IPCC等国际组织郑重提出。

    In recent years , climate warming effect is increasing , greenhouse gas emissions has become the focus of the world , emissions reduction schedules of the first half of this century has been put forward solemnly by IPCC and other international organizations .

  7. 商业道德与零售企业经营菲律宾表业零售之经验


  8. 日内瓦,是一个制表业,珠宝业和别致时尚之都。

    Geneva , a city of watchmaking , jewellery , and chic fashion .

  9. 自此,制表业开始在瑞士兴起。

    Thus the watch-making was started in Switzerland .

  10. •手表业利润丰厚。

    • watches are a profitable business .

  11. 菲律宾表业零售之经验

    The Philippine experience in watch retail operations

  12. 这将进一步增加膨胀的资产负债表业已对资本充足率构成的压力。

    This would add to existing pressures caused by swollen balance sheets pressing against capital ratios .

  13. 较之人像画她更喜欢美丽的风景画。瑞士以制表业和美丽的风景而闻名。

    She preferred a good landscape to a portrait . Switzerland is famous for its watchmaking and beautiful scenery .

  14. 这比2011年增长了15.6%,占瑞士制表业总销售额的三分之一。

    That is up by 15.6 % over the previous year and accounts for one-third of all sales of Swiss watches .

  15. 顶级晶牌,创意设计,时尚追求,执钟表业之牛耳。

    The top-rate Brand , a creative designing and fashion seeking , occupies a leading position in the watches and clocks trade .

  16. 本公司的产品主要用于五金螺丝厂、五金工艺品厂、五金弹簧厂、电子厂、玩具厂、表业制造厂等!

    Our products are mainly used for metal screws factory , hardware handicraft factory , hardware factory , toy factory , spring factory , watchmaking factory etc.

  17. 这一成就作为他对钟表业的杰出贡献,为他赢得了诸多荣誉。但这只是他为普及自己的技术使用而踏上的荆棘之路的起点。

    That achievement earned him many honours for services to horology , but it was only the beginning of a long slog to get his idea accepted .

  18. 上世纪80年代,斯沃琪以亚洲大规模生产的替代品身份出现在人们视野中,随后获得了瑞士制表业拯救者的美名。

    When the Swatch was introduced as an alternative to Asian mass production in the 1980s , it was credited with helping to save the Swiss watchmaking industry .

  19. 毕业生于钟表业、产品设计与开发业、塑胶业、电子业及金属制品业等行业就业及发展。

    Graduates can seek employment and develop their careers in the following industries : watches and clocks , product design and development , plastics , electronics and metal products etc.

  20. 通过对资源卫星红外多光谱扫描仪的分析,提出用卫星表、分系统表、部件表四个表业记录各种卫星上的不同光学遥感器,并完成了数据库的设计。

    After the analysis of the Infrared Multi-spectral Scanner of CBERS satellite , it brings out using four tables to record different optical remote sensors , include the satellite table , the sub-system table , the equipment table and the parts table . It has finished the database design .

  21. 上世纪80年代,斯沃琪以亚洲大规模生产的替代品身份出现在人们视野中,随后获得了瑞士制表业拯救者的美名。但权贵们为什么如此钟情于该品牌依然是一个谜。

    When the Swatch was introduced as an alternative to Asian mass production in the 1980s , it was credited with helping to save the Swiss watchmaking industry . Ultimately , though , the watch brand 's patronage among the high and mighty is a bit of a mystery .