
  • 网络exterior cold pattern;superficies-cold syndrome
  1. 目的:观察宣散清化法治疗慢性支气管炎急性发作期表寒里热证的临床疗效,为临床治疗提供更多选择。

    Objective : To study XuanSanQingHuaFa ( XSQHF ) 's clinic therapeutic effect on external Cold and internal Heat zheng of acute attack stage of chronic bronchitis .

  2. 结论抗流感颗粒剂治疗表寒里热证流感疗效显著,安全可靠。

    Conclusion : The effect of Anti - Influenza Drug Granules in treating influenza , the Pattern of Syndrome Cold in the Exterior and heat in the Interior is significant , and it is safe and reliable .

  3. 热势与中医证型密切相关,其中风寒束表证以低热为主,风热犯表证以中度热为主,高热次之,表寒里热证无明显差异。

    Hot trend closely related with TCM syndrome type , including cold bunch of table card on a low-calorie primarily , wind hot make table to moderate heat , high fever , mainly in the second watch cold no obvious difference heat syndromes .