
  • 网络ideograph;ideogram
表意字 [biǎo yì zì]
  • [ideogram] 字形有一定表意性的文字

  1. 本文的主要结论为:(一)纳西东巴文字的主要来源是以表意字为主的若喀文。

    The essential source of the Naxi Dongba written language was the Ruoke writing whose main part was an ideograph .

  2. 殷墟祭祀卜辞中有众多的示与集合示名。示有独特的发展演变轨迹,在构形本意上,示是一个象形表意字。

    There are a large number of " shi " and collective shi names in Yin Ruins ritual inscriptions , the word " shi " has a unique evolution trajectory , from the configuration of intent , " shi " is a pictograph ideograph .

  3. 首先,分析王氏表意字研究的特点及其成因。

    Firstly , the feature of Wang Yun 's work .

  4. 表意字的表达功能与古文字考释

    The Ideational Function of Ideograms and Textual Research of the Chinese Ancient Writing

  5. 形体与其所指称的语言单位意义直接发生联系的文字是表意字;

    The characters that contact with the meaning of the language units immediately are ideograms ;

  6. 第二部分重点探讨表意字的表意方式。

    The second part mainly approaches the methods of meaning expressing for meaning expressing Chinese characters .

  7. 主要概述表意字和象似性的基本情况、研究现状以及本文研究过程中运用的理论、方法。

    It is mainly about the basis situation of the meaning-expressing Chinese characters and the iconicity , and analysis situation and the method , theory which the text use .

  8. 其中重点阐述表意字的含义与界定等的相关问题,论述汉字的性质、构成汉字的字符性质、汉字的类型等相关概念,从而使本文对表意字的界定更加清晰。

    It expatiates the meaning and definition of the meaning-expressing Chinese characters , and discusses the property of Chinese characters and of the symbol which composing Chinese characters and the types of Chinese characters .

  9. 本文以3500常用字中的表意字为研究对象,运用分析、归纳、统计、列表的方法,对表意字的表意方式进行研究。

    In this article , the study object is 3500 common Chinese characters . It is mainly about the definition of meaning & expressing Chinese characters and the means how to identify them . Then , the study materials and study methods are indicated .

  10. 勤劳、智慧的中华民族,经过几千年的锤炼,创造出世界上唯一古老却仍具有旺盛生命力的表意(每个字都有意义)文字。

    Diligence and wisdom of the Chinese nation , after thousands of years in the world , create'still has the only ancient but the strong vitality ideographic ( each word meaningful ) characters .