
  1. 随着交通优势的丧失、经济实力的不断下降及战乱的影响,扬州府科举在道咸时期趋于衰落。

    As traffic advantage loss , economic strength and the influence of the declining war , Yangzhou in the imperial examinations way Xianfeng period tends to decline .

  2. 晚清道咸以降的学术多有对乾嘉学术的反动,但乾嘉考据学风很大程度已内化到士人治学之中。

    The scholarship in late Qing China is a reaction to Qianjia school , but the way of textual research already becomes an inherent part of these scholars studies .

  3. 鸦片战争前后,道咸经世派针对当时严重的社会道德危机提出了“整肃人心”的思想。

    During and after Opium War , the time-saving school of Daoguang and Xianfeng put forward a doctrine to screw up public trend with a view to relieving the then serious moral crisis .

  4. 事实上在道咸年间的诗坛存在着一种普遍的宗宋风气,这种宗宋诗风是由“宋诗派”、桐城诗派和经世派共同形成的。

    In fact , in the poetic circle in the years of Daoxian , there 's a general fashion of Song-advocacy which consisted of Song poetry school , Tongcheng poetry school and life-experience school .