
  1. 建设通用数字化平台推动古文字研究现代化

    Build Digital Platform for the Enhancement of Modernization of Ancient Writing Studies

  2. 这些不能不说是古文字研究尤其是战国文字研究的遗憾和缺失。

    It is really regret in the research on Paleography , especially on Zhan Guo wordage .

  3. 乐器铭文是铜器铭文中的一个重要类别,在古文字研究中估有重要地位。

    Inscription on bronze instruments is an important category of Bronze inscriptions and has an important position in the study of ancient writing .

  4. 创作观念的变化,古文字研究的积累,使得古玺创作大放异彩,名家倍出。

    Creative concept changes , accumulation of the study of ancient text , making the creation of ancient seals shine , famous times out .

  5. 甲骨文与甲骨文书法,是古文字研究和书法艺术创作研究中的两大课题,二者相互依存,缺一不可。

    Oracle Bone Inscription and Chinese calligraphy are two interdependent , indispensable subjects for the study on ancient Chinese characters and handwriting art creation .

  6. 其理论研究和学术实践,不仅奠定了科学古文字学的基础,也开启了古文字研究的新风气。

    His fundamental research and academic practice not only have laid the foundation of ancient philology , also open the new atmosphere of ancient philology .

  7. 共事一段时间后,蔡伟在古文字研究方面的能力给同事们留下了深刻印象。

    After working together for a period of time , Cai Wei ` s capability on the ancient Chinese character study really impressed his colleagues .

  8. 对中古蒙古语、北方民族古文字研究乃至对文字发展史的研究也有一定的参考价值。

    There is also certain reference value to the study of medieval Mongolian , the ancient writing of northern ethics and the development and evolution of writing .

  9. 本文指出后一种现象实际上是残唐五代以后北方汉语一条普遍规律的反映,而这条规律在当前的少数民族古文字研究中却常被忽略。

    It is pointed out in the present paper that the latter reflects a universal phonological law in some Northern Chinese Dialects after the 9th century , which has been neglected in the studies of Chinese nationality paleography .

  10. 在书中孙氏一方面对自己的古文字研究进行了全面的总结,另一方面又力图探求古文字发展变化的规律。

    In this book , on the one hand , he carried a comprehensive summary of his own ancient writing study , on the other hank , seeks to explore the rules of development and changes of ancient writing .

  11. 很快,蔡伟得到许可,参加复旦大学出土文献与古文字研究中心博士资格考试。他顺利通过了第一轮,得以进入复试。

    Soon , Cai Wei had been allowed to apply for the doctor ` s degree in the ancient literature and research center of Fudan University and he successfully passed the first run examination , going to the next run .

  12. 由于各方面的原因,布依族古文字的调查研究还很薄弱。

    For reasons , it is weak to research ancient Buyi characters .

  13. 古玺文字量化研究及相关问题

    Quantitative Studies of Ancient Seal Characters

  14. 古文字美化的研究在美化饰笔材料的整理、饰笔演变结果的阐释和单字的形体分析与考释上取得了很多成就。

    Research on the arrangement of material , interpretation of the results , shape analysis and interpretation has made a lot of achievements .

  15. 随着古文字信息化处理研究的发展,古文字的标准字库建设已经显得十分迫切。

    With the development of the study on computerization of ancient writings , the establishment of standard ancient Chinese font should be paid immediate attention .

  16. 理论研究一直是古文字学研究的一个薄弱环节,希望本文的研究能在一定程度上弥补这一缺限,为古文字学理论研究做出一定的贡献。

    We hope that this paper may compensate for the limits to a certain extent and make some contributions to the theoretical study of Pre-Qin Chinese characters .

  17. 文章通过对古文字造型的研究,使我们认识到传统是一个综合体,要继承与发展传统绝不可单从某一方面入手,应整体的把握。

    The article on the ancient form of writing , so that we recognize is a synthesis of traditional , to inherit and develop the traditional one aspect must not be just from the start , to be sure of the whole .

  18. 字频视角的古文字四书分布发展研究

    On the Distribution and Development of Four Categories of Character Construction in Ancient Writings

  19. 古文字字库建设与古文字研究手段现代化问题的提出可以说是古文字研究面临的一次新机遇和新挑战,也是古文字研究与当代信息社会相结合的一个重要标志。

    With the construction of the ancient word data and the emergence of the modernization of research methods , the research on ancient words faces new opportunities and challenges .

  20. 汉字形音义衍变递嬗的古文字字库是数字化时代的必然产物,代表着古文字研究手段现代化的新趋势。

    It is the new trend to reflect the Chinese characters form and the sound and the meaning in the data , which is the inevitable thing in the arithmetic figure ages .