
  • 网络Ancient seal;bulla
  1. 古玺文字量化研究及相关问题

    Quantitative Studies of Ancient Seal Characters

  2. 本文拟从这一角度,探索古玺形式美的发展过程及其时代特征。

    This paper from this perspective , exploring the development of formal beauty of the ancient seal of the times .

  3. 经历先秦印和流派印两个高峰后,古玺创作进入近现代阶段。

    Pre experienced two peaks in India and Indian schools , the creation of ancient seals into the modern stage .

  4. 战国古玺文字造型和印面构成丰富多变,因此在篆刻风格中最具形式美。

    Ancient Seals and the printed text form constitutes a rich and varied surface , so the carving style of the most formal beauty .

  5. 吉语玺不但是战国古玺等古文字资料的重要组成部分,而且还是重要的历史文献资料;它不但具有座右铭、警示牌的功能,还可以反映出古人修身养性、趋吉避祸等思想。

    Jiyu Seal , a kind of ancient seal with blessing Chinese characters carved on it , is an important component of ancient Chinese characters , and it also serves as important historic documents .

  6. 清代吴式芬《双虞壶斋印谱》中首次标明古玺并排列卷首,自此翻开了古玺创作研究的新篇章。

    Qing Fen Wu-style " double-Yu Yin Pu vegetarian pot " for the first time that " the ancient seal " and arrangement of frontispiece , from Ancient Seals opened a new chapter of Creation .

  7. 本文所论的古玺形式美,主要指古玺印面的形式构成美,对形制、外型等外在形式美则不做过多涉及。

    This paper on the formal beauty of the ancient seal , mainly referring to the ancient seals in the form of surface constitutes the United States , on the shape , appearance is not too much to outside formal beauty involved .

  8. 创作观念的变化,古文字研究的积累,使得古玺创作大放异彩,名家倍出。

    Creative concept changes , accumulation of the study of ancient text , making the creation of ancient seals shine , famous times out .

  9. 清代著名古文字学家吴大澄一生潜心治学,发展了古文字考释方法,在先秦货币文字、古玺文字、古陶文字以及金文的考释方面均有建树。

    He developed the method of explaining Chinese ancient characters , and achieved great success in explaining the ancient characters in coins , seals , potteries and bronzes .