
  1. 将古论今&环境科学研究中的历史地质学方法

    Past is the key to the present : method of historical geology in Environmental Sciences

  2. 有学者认为汉代《论语》文本的出现都是在《古论》发现之后,本文不能赞同。

    Some scholars believe that the texts of " The Analects of Confucius " in Han Dynasty occurred after the discovery of the old Analects , but the author doubts it .

  3. 因此,以古论今为更好的理解现代和未来气候变化提供依据是地球科学界对过去气候变化研究的另一个重要原因。

    Therefore , " to the ancient theory of this ", to provide a basis for a better understanding of modern and future climate change on Earth is the major reason for the geoscientific community research on over the past climate change .

  4. 细说古窗论我国传统建筑窗饰艺术之源起窗口(英文)中国之窗中华剪纸

    Detailed facts of the ancient window & on the origin of traditional Chinese window decorations

  5. 第一章阐述了古希腊文论的人性与神性。

    Chapter one expounds the ancient Greek literary theory of the human and divine nature .

  6. 学者们以经济原因解之,以今度古之论也。

    Today 's researchers decipher it to economic reason , which take current thought as that of ancient .

  7. 远在苏格拉底之先,古希腊文论中就出现了一定的神性和人性因素。

    Prior to Sokrates , there were some factors of the divine nature and the human nature in the ancient Greek theory of literature and art .

  8. 普罗提诺太一说:古希腊文论神化的阶梯

    The Theory of ' the Grandest One ' : The ladder With Which Plotinus Led the Ancient Greek Artistic Theories to the Altar of the Middle Ages

  9. 祝尧的古赋艺术论

    Zhu Yao 's Artistic Theory on Ancient Fu

  10. 对古希腊本体论产生与自然科学发展之关系的思考

    Thinking on Relationship Between Ontology and Science ( Natural philosophy ) in Ancient Greece

  11. 从伦理学史上讲,是古希腊快乐论、近代英国经验论和18世纪法国唯物主义等思想发展的逻辑结论。

    In terms of the history of moral science , it was the logic development of hedonism of ancient Greek , modern Britain experientialism and french materialism of the 18th century .

  12. 你们猜的和我猜的差不多了,但我知道多一点古犹太天启论的内容,所以我有一些可以参考的知识。

    Well , to some extent your guess is as good as mine , except that I know a bit more about ancient Jewish apocalyptic , and so I have a few resources to draw on .

  13. 古希腊怀疑主义论式探究

    Probe into the Tropes of the Scepticism of Ancient Greece

  14. 古希腊哲学本体论探寻

    Discussion and Analysis of Ancient Greek Philosophical Ontology

  15. 古近代小说考论三题

    Studies on Three Ancient and Modern Novels

  16. 老子不仅是在说古,也是在论今。

    Laozi is not only telling the ancient , but also talking about the modern society .

  17. 作为地质历史时期的一个横截面,地史最新的一页,全新世环境演变在全球变化研究中具有以今推古和将古论今的纽带作用。

    As a cross-section and the latest chapter of the geological history , the environment evolvement of Holocene plays a role of the connecting link between the preceding and the following in the research of global change .

  18. 但自近现代以来,生物多样性遭受了巨大破坏,正以前所未有的速度丧失。西方古希腊自然目的论、基督教的神学目的论以及机械原子论自然观等,是造成这种丧失的根源。

    However , in the recent centuries biodiversity has suffered great damages and living species are disappearing at unprecedented speed , which is fundamentally caused by traditional Western ideas , such as the natural teleology of ancient Greece , divine teleology of Christianity and the mechanistic and atomistic natural philosophy .