
  1. 礼法融合的奠基期发生在西汉有其历史的必然性。

    Etiquette integration took place in the Western Han period laid the foundation stone has its historical inevitability .

  2. 西汉王朝是中国历史上第一个得到持续发展的统一王朝。

    West Han dynasty is the first unified dynasty with continuos development in the history of China .

  3. 西汉在我国历史上有着重要的地位,西汉帝陵是此时国家精神面貌和强盛国力的象征。

    The Western Han Dynasty has an important position in the history of our country . And the Western Han Dynasty mausoleum is the symbol of the national spirit and strong national strength .

  4. 从中国历史来看,西汉作为秦朝的延续,为有史以来的一大钜变,西汉历史绵远长久,在社会组织和文化形态上,它奠定了此后两千馀年中国社会与文化规模的基础。

    From the history of china , as the continuing of Qin Dynasty , Western Han Dynasty has seen a great change with a long history and lays the foundation of the Social and cultural in social organizations and cultural forms .