
  1. 中国科学院接收中国西北科学考查团的经过

    The Take-over of the Sino-Swedish Northwest Expedition by Chinese Academy of Sciences

  2. 中国西北科学考查团(也称中瑞西北科学考查团)是中国近代首次由中外学者联合组建、规模大、学科多的学术考察团体。

    Sino-Swedish Northwest Expedition was the first large-scale , multi-disciplinary expedition jointly set up by Chinese and foreign scholars .

  3. 1949年,中国科学院接收了中国西北科学考查团,正式宣布考察团工作结束,同时批准袁复礼和黄文弼继续从事资料的整理与研究工作。

    In 1949 , the Expedition was taken over by Chinese Academy of Sciences ( CAS ), which formally declared the end of its work .

  4. 西北科学考查团是1927年到1933年,由中国学术团体协会和斯文·赫定协商组建的科学考察团。

    From 1927 to 1933 , The Sino-Swedish scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China , which was organized by the National Scientific Union and Dr.

  5. 本论文就重点对西北科学考查团的人才培养方面的问题进行研究,拟厘清史实,弄清考察团在这方面的特殊做法,总结在科学人才培养上可资借鉴的历史意义。

    The paper focuses on the aspects of training and educating personnel of the Scientific Expedition , and hopes to clarify the facts , to understand the special organization , and learns more from it 's cultivation on historic significance .

  6. 他年轻时(1927&1930年)参加了中国西北科学考查团,在青海亲历了一次强大寒潮的侵袭,对其一生有重要的影响。

    In his youth , he took part in The Scientific Expedition to China 's Northwestern Provinces during 1927 & 1930 . He observed the movement of a strong outbreak of cold air masses in late Oct. 1928 , in Qinghai Province .

  7. 第一个把中国的塔克拉玛干沙漠叫作死亡之海的不是中国人,而是那位瑞典探险家斯文赫定。西北科学考查团是1927年到1933年,由中国学术团体协会和斯文·赫定协商组建的科学考察团。

    A group of women photographers travelled through the Taklimakan Desert in Xinjiang , known as the " Sea of Death " . From 1927 to 1933 , The Sino-Swedish scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China , which was organized by the National Scientific Union and Dr.