  • Xin;happy;glad;joyful
  • 快乐,喜欢:~~(a.高兴的样子,如“~~而来”;b.草木生机旺盛的样子,如“~~向荣”,亦泛指蓬勃发展)。~喜。欢~鼓舞。~然。~赏。~幸。~慕。~悦。


(喜悦) glad; happy; joyful:

  • 欢欣

    happy; joyful;

  • 欣逢佳节

    on the happy occasion of the festival;

  • 欣欣自得

    proud and self-satisfied


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 欣时

    Xin Shi

  1. 欣盼你方确认。

    We should be glad to have your confirmation that .

  2. 我欣喜地发现了北极星,并顺着它的方向找到了像勺子形状一样的北斗七星。

    I was glad to find the North Star , which pointed out for me the Big Dipper .

  3. 索尔特欣喜地叫喊着。

    Salter shouted with joy .

  4. 她的出色表演使我欣慕不已。

    Her excellent performance filled me with admiration .

  5. 如美国德州仪器、台湾太欣等公司生产的图像DSP芯片,其输出的图像具有非常好的效果。

    Such as the DSP chips , produced by Texas Instruments and Tai-Xin Companies .

  6. 欣苑小区视频点播(VoD)系统

    Video on Demand ( VoD ) system in Xin Yuan block

  7. 他们认为,如果经济市场和决策领导层更少地被gdp固定,还会有更少的欣快。

    They think there might have been less euphoria had financial markets and policymakers been less fixated on GDP .

  8. 奥巴马还是前任总统乔治W布什的第11代表亲,他们共同的祖辈是塞缪尔欣克利。

    Mr Obama is apparently an11th cousin of former president , George W.Bush , through common ancestor Samuel Hinckley .

  9. 2003年黄欣赢得了沃尔特瑙姆堡(WalterW.NaumburgFoundation)一等奖,2000年,他亦曾赢得汉诺威国际小提琴比赛(HannoverInternationalviolincompetition)一等奖。

    Mr. Huang won first prizes in the 2003 Walter W. Naumburg Foundation 's violin competition and the 2000 Hannover International violin competition .

  10. D1组为配镜联合视欣二结合间断治疗组。

    In addition , the group D1 were treated by associating spectacle with two combinations of Shixin .

  11. 康欣胶囊对血管性痴呆模型大鼠海马CA1区n-NOS表达的影响

    Express of Hippocampus CA_1 Area in Rats of Vascular Dementia

  12. 欣丰虎航(TigerAirways)和亚洲航空(AirAsia)等亚洲低成本航空运营商已宣布了大举扩张的计划。

    Asian low-cost carriers such as Tiger Airways and AirAsia have announced aggressive expansion plans .

  13. 68名氟暴露工人分为两组,A组37人.口服抗氟欣两个月;B组31人为非服药对照组。

    68 fluoride exposed workers were randomly divided into group A and group B. 37 group A workers took " Kangfuxin " for 2 months , 31 of group B served as the positive controls .

  14. 周四,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)表示,他们正在调查可能存在于默沙东公司目前最畅销的药品“欣流”与自杀事件之间的一种联系。

    The Food and Drug Administration said Thursday it is investigating a possible link between Merck 's best-selling Singulair and suicide .

  15. PEA在情感欣快时释放,能够使血压升高和心率加快。

    A tiny amount of PEA is released at moments of emotional euphoria , elevating blood pressure and heart rate .

  16. 最敏感的环节是EDF在欣克利角生产的电力的执行价格。

    The most sensitive aspect is the strike price for the electricity EDF will produce at Hinkley Point .

  17. 欣维宁对急性心肌梗死患者PCI术后血小板CD40L及血清MMP-2表达水平的影响

    Effect of tirofiban on the expression of platelet membrane-bound CD40 Ligand and MMP-2 in plasma in patients with acute myocardial infarction after PCI

  18. 1981年3月30日,里根总统在华盛顿一酒店外被约翰W.欣克利枪杀并受重伤。

    On March 30 , 1981 , President Ronald Reagan was shot and seriously injured outside a Washington , D.C. , hotel by John W. Hinckley Jr.

  19. 顺便提一句,我很欣喜地见到,在今年的Web2.0展览会上,IBM的员工身着红色T恤的一幕。

    Incidentally I just love the photo to the right , by Scott Beale of Laughing Squid , of IBM staff in red shirts at this year 's Web2.0 Expo !

  20. “病人不应该在未与医生商量的情况下自行停用”欣流“”,FDA在此次陈述中指出,医生应密切观察病人以防他们情绪波动和自杀行为的出现。

    Patients should not stop taking Singulair before talking to their doctor , ''FDA said in its statement , adding that doctors should monitor patients for suicidal behavior and mood changes .

  21. 目的研究半胱天冬酶3在国产氨肽酶N抑制剂Bestatin(商品名百士欣,BS)诱导人白血病细胞凋亡过程中的变化及其意义。

    Objective To study the variation and significance of caspase 3 activity in the process of amino peptidase inhibitor & bestatin ( BS ) inducing human leukemic cell apoptosis .

  22. 马来西亚的亚洲航空(airasia)和新加坡航空持有部分股权的欣丰虎航(tigerairways)等亚洲低成本航空公司的崛起,则不那么令他担心。

    Of lesser concern is the emergence of Asian low-cost carriers ( LCCs ) such as AirAsia of Malaysia and Tiger Airways , part-owned by Singapore Airlines .

  23. 超毅科技是伟创力旗下PCB大厂,联能则是全球第一大手机PCB厂欣兴的子公司,通过富士康供货给诺基亚和摩托罗拉。

    Multek is a large PCB works affiliated to Flextronics , and United Power is the subsidiary of Unimicron , the world 's largest handset PCB producer , which supplies PCB for Nokia and Motorola via Foxconn .

  24. 欣德在担任电力部长期间表现平平,但他长期效忠于国大党主席索妮娅•甘地(SoniaGandhi)(甚至可以说是她的助手)。

    His tenure in his previous position was undistinguished . However , he is a long-term loyalist ( not to say acolyte ) of the Congress party 's president , Sonia Gandhi .

  25. 目的研究中药制剂怡欣乐口服液(YXL)的安全性评价和升高外周白细胞的作用机制。

    Objective To evaluate the safety of YXL oral liquid and to study its mechanism in increasing the WBC in peripheral blood .

  26. 彼得・格里科曼(PeterGlickman)曾在2004年的一本书中帮助回顾了上述疗法。他写道,头三天是最难熬的,大约过了第八天以后,人就开始变得宁静、欣快并头脑清醒。

    Peter Glickman , who helped revive the cleanse in a 2004 book , writes that the first three days are the hardest and that serenity , euphoria and mental clarity set in after about Day Eight .

  27. 否则如何解释恰恰在21个邦停电的同一天,电力部长苏希尔•库马尔•欣德(SushilKumarShinde)被提升为内政部长?

    How else to explain the fact that on the very day the lights went off in 21 states , the power minister , Sushil Kumar Shinde , was promoted to the post of home minister ?

  28. 我们都晓得你独特的风格(在此避免LOMO这个字眼),可不可以告欣我们或是解释一下当你按下快门的时候,你的想法是什麽?

    We all heard about your unique style of photo taking ( I rather not using the word " LOMO ") . Can you describe how and what comes in your mind when you are about to take a picture ? Composition ?

  29. 专车从曼谷机场,送到华欣高尔夫度假别墅。

    Private transfer from Bangkok Airport - Hua Hin Golf Villa .

  30. 目的:观察立复欣的肝毒性。

    Objective : To observe the liver toxicity caused by Rifamycin .