
lèi xíng xué
  • typology
类型学[lèi xíng xué]
  1. 赖斯(Reiss)的文本类型学以及功能语言学特别是豪斯(House)翻译质量评估模式是对翻译质量评估做出的重大突破。

    Reiss ' text typology and functional linguistics particularly House 's model of translation quality assessment have made great breakthrough in translation quality assessment .

  2. 阐述建立公众参与城市规划制度的必要性,探讨了类型学方法与GIS技术在历史街区保护中的运用,以便为今后的保护工作提供依据。

    The paper proposes that it is necessary to establish institution in the public participation of urban planning and discusses the evolution of typology and GIS Technology as well as its application in the conservation of the historic districts .

  3. 在《自然象征》中,道格拉斯有两个重要的贡献,一是应用网络-群体(gridandgroup)分析框架对社会进行类型学上的划分。

    In the " natural symbols ", Douglas has two important contributions , one is the application of " grid and group " analysis framework for the typology of social division .

  4. 从宾语标记的分布看语言类型学的功能分析

    On linguistic functional analysis from the perspective of object marker distribution

  5. 世界诸语言的新类型学研究

    Researches on a New Typology of the World ′ s Languages

  6. 论艺术类型学的分类方式与艺术学学科的构建

    On the Classification of Arts and the Construction of Art Subjects

  7. 摘要语言类型学是当代语言学的显学。

    Linguistic typology is a distinguished school in contemporary linguistics .

  8. 牡丹江流域渤海遗迹出土陶器的类型学研究

    Research into the Typology of Bohai Ceramic from Songhuajiang Valley

  9. 双语制类型学分类与我国双语教学的属性

    The Typologies of Bilingualism and the Attribute of Bilingual Instruction of China

  10. 西方建筑类型学和城市形态学:整合与应用

    The reciprocity and integration of research on architectural typology and urban morphology

  11. 电影类型学视野下的中国式西部片界说

    On " Chinese-Style Western Film " from the Perspective of Cinematic Typology

  12. 论类型学方法在新中式家具设计中的运用

    Application of Typology Method in New Chinese Style Furniture Design

  13. 本文对这两类随葬品中的主要器物做了详细的类型学研究。

    This paper made a detailed typological study on these two kinds .

  14. 菊儿胡同住宅改造工程的类型学分析

    Typological analysis of the House Renovation Project of Ju'er Hutong

  15. 知识类型学与学习方式选择

    The typology of knowledge and the selection of learning way

  16. 建筑类型学在建筑设计教学中的运用

    The Application of Architecture Typology in Architecture Design 's Teaching

  17. 批判的地域主义视野下的建筑外部形态类型学研究

    Study on City Architecture External Morphology Typology with Critical Regionalism

  18. 我国犯罪现象的类型学分析与建构

    The Analysis and Construction with Typology on Chinese Crime Phenomena

  19. 建筑腔体的类型学研究浅谈岩体灌浆压力的选择

    Typological Study of Building-chamber Pressure selection for rock body grouting

  20. 试论考古类型学的逻辑与原则

    On the Logics and Principles Employed by the Archaeological Typology

  21. 中国古代文化专制制度的类型学分析

    A Typology of the Dictatorial Culture System in Ancient China

  22. 主语与主题:一种新的语言类型学

    Subject and Topic : A New Typology of Language

  23. 关于类型学中西方研究历史的对比

    Contrast between eastern and western research histories of typology

  24. 文本类型学与功能语言学对翻译质量评估的解释力

    The Explanatory Power on Text Typology and Functional Linguistics to Translation Quality Assessment

  25. 建筑类型学已经可以满足这种期望。

    The building typology had to meet this expectation .

  26. 汉语方言正反问的类型学比较

    A Typological Comparison of Yes-or-No Questions in Chinese Dialects

  27. 先秦汉语语序特点的类型学观照

    Typological Observations of Word Order Characteristics in Pre-Qin Chinese

  28. 教育冲突的性质及类型学分析

    The nature of education conflict and its typological analysis

  29. 比较教育学学科形象的科学定位&教育形态类型学

    Scientific definition of the subject image of comparative education & Morphology of education

  30. 矮寨苗语形容词修饰名词语序的类型学特征

    On the Typology Feature of Nouns and Their Adjectives'Word Orders in Miao Language