
lèi zhònɡ fēnɡ
  • parapoplexy
  1. 为类中风的进一步研究奠定了基础。

    Thence established the basis for the further research on the analogous apoplexy .

  2. 类中风研究(Ⅱ)&类中风主症的研究

    Research On Analogous Apoplexy (ⅱ), Main Symptoms

  3. 中药联合脑循环仪治疗类中风眩临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Stroke Vertigo Treated by Chinese Traditional Medicine Associating with Cerebral Circulation Function Therapeutic Instrument

  4. 活血化瘀治疗低血粘度类中风血瘀证临床体会

    Clinical Experience of Quickening Blood and Removing Stasis in the Treatment of Patients with Stasis Stroke who Were with Low Viscosity Blood

  5. 目的观察中药联合脑循环功能治疗仪对类中风眩患者的临床疗效及D-二聚体、血液流变学的影响。

    Objective : To observe the clinical curative effect and influence of traditional Chinese medicine associating with cerebral circulation function therapeutic instrument on blood rheology and D-Dimer of patients suffered from stroke vertigo .

  6. 然而近几年,有关麻黄中生物碱类成分增加中风和心脏病风险的报道屡见不鲜,这给开发和利用我国丰富的麻黄资源带来了不小的挑战。

    There are more and more reports that using ephedran increases the risks of heart disease and stroke , which would bring about great challenge to develop and utilize ephedra rich in China . We study the components of non-alkaloids and non-volatile oils in ephedra .