
  • 网络flavonoid
  1. 类黄酮化合物在动物营养学领域具有重要的应用价值,与动物的内分泌、脂质代谢及抗氧化有着密切的关系,在促进动物生产性能及提高免疫力等方面起着重要作用。

    Flavonoids have an important value in the field of animal nutrition , it related the endocrine , lipids metabolism , antioxidative activity , and also improved animal performance and immunity .

  2. 类黄酮化合物对糖基化反应终产物AGE的抑制作用

    Inhibitory effect of flavonoids on advanced glycation end products

  3. 类黄酮化合物对AGE的抑制机理与其抗氧化性、消自由基作用有关。

    It was considered that the inhibitory mechanism on AGE is concerned with antioxidation and dissolving the free radical .

  4. 蜂胶液体中类黄酮化合物的HPLC测定和抗氧化性能研究

    Determination of the Flavonoids Content and Antioxidative Capacity in the Propolis Drink with HPLC

  5. UV-B辐射诱导菠菜和小白菜叶片内苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性迅速升高,并导致其体内吸收UV-B的类黄酮化合物大量积累。

    UV B radiation promoted the expression of PAL and resulted in the accumulation of flavonoids in the leaves of spinach and Chinese cabbage .

  6. 目的:研究类黄酮化合物槲皮素(quercetin,QUE)对体外培养的大鼠脑胶质瘤C6细胞增殖调控的作用。

    Objective To study the effects of quercetin ( QUE ) on proliferation of rat glioma C6 cell line in vitro .

  7. 德国的研究者发现,表没食子儿茶素-3-没食子酸(EGCG),一种在绿茶中发现的类黄酮化合物,可以阻止丙肝病毒进入到肝细胞中。

    German researchers have determined that epigallocatechin-3-gallate ( EGCG ) - a flavonoid found in green tea-inhibits the hepatitis C virus ( HCV ) from entering liver cells .

  8. 花色素苷(anthocyanin)广泛存在于开花植物中,是一类重要的水溶性的类黄酮化合物,是花色素(anthocyanidin)与各种单糖通过糖苷键结合形成的糖基化衍生物的总称。

    Anthocyanin , a kind of important soluble flavonoid compound including glycosylation derivates of anthocyanidin through combining different monosaccharide with glucosidic bond , can be produced by a wide range of flowering plants .

  9. 目的:橙皮素(Hesperetin)柑桔属中存在的一类天然类黄酮化合物,具有抗炎症,抗氧化,抗变态反应,保护心血管和抗肿瘤等药效作用。

    Objective : Hesperetin which is a kind of natural flavonoid compounds insists in citrus , it has many pesticide effect such as anti-inflammatory , oxidation resistance , resistance to allergy , protect the cardiovascular and antitumor . And its Mainly comes from the hydrolysis of orange peel glucoside .

  10. 类黄酮化合物在植物胁迫反应中作用的研究进展

    Advances in the Research on Flavonoid Biosynthesis and Plant Stress Response

  11. 黄酮和黄酮醇是两类具有抑癌活性的类黄酮化合物。

    Flavones and flavonols belong to flavonoids that have anti-cancer activities .

  12. 桂树叶中类黄酮化合物的超声波辅助提取研究

    Extraction of flavonoids from sweet osmanthus leaves aided by ultrasound

  13. 生物类黄酮化合物的结构与生物活性的关系

    The relationship between chemical structure and bioactivity of bioflavonoids

  14. 柑桔属类黄酮化合物类黄酮是柑桔果实中的重要成分之一。

    Flavonoids are one kind of the most important substance in citrus fruits .

  15. 儿茶素与其它类黄酮化合物的主要生物合成途径享有共性,因而具有相似的合成机制。

    The catechins share the major part of the biosynthetic pathway with other derivative flavonoids products , hence similar synthesis mechanisms .

  16. 槲皮素是泽漆的主要活性成分之一,泽漆中槲皮素的含量可作为药物质量控制的一个指标;泽漆叶为槲皮素类黄酮化合物的最佳原料,六月为最佳采集时间。

    Quercetin was one of the main active components . HPLC could be used as quality control for content determination of quercetin . The leaves of E. helioscopia are the best raw material of quercetin and the best acquisition time is June .

  17. 主要研究结果如下:1.杨梅汁中类黄酮化合物主要有花色苷和黄酮醇两大类,花色苷主要为矢车菊-3-葡萄糖苷,黄酮醇主要是杨梅素、槲皮素和山奈酚的糖苷。

    The main results were presented as follows : 1 . The flavonoids in bayberry juices included anthocyanins and flavonols . The main kind of anthocyanins was cyanidin-3-glucoside , and the flavonols mainly included the glycosides of myricetin , quercetin and kaempferol .

  18. 花生还含有较多纤维素、无机盐、维生素,特别是含有类黄酮和酚类化合物等植物化学成分。

    Peanut also contains a lot of fiber , mineral salts , vitamins , and especially flavonoids and phenol compounds .