
hǎi wài ɡuān xi
  • overseas relations/connections;relatives abroad
海外关系 [hǎi wài guān xì]
  • [overseas relation] 指居住在大陆的公民与大陆以外的人的亲戚、朋友关系

  1. 这些海外关系的特点,都在史学中得到体现。

    These new characteristics in foreign relations were reflected in historiography .

  2. 明至清前期海外关系的变化与史学

    The Changing Foreign Relations during Ming and Early Qing Dynasties and Historiography

  3. 明至清前期,随着海外关系的变化,史学也表现出不同的特点。

    During Ming and Early Qing Dynasties Chinese historiography took on new feature as foreign relations changed .

  4. 刘坚补充称,中国对资金离境的限制将是一个障碍,但一些潜在投资者有海外关系,比如一本外国护照,这将使事情变得更容易。

    Restrictions on taking money out of China would be an obstacle , he added , but some potential investors had an overseas connection such as a foreign passport that would make it easier .

  5. 该科辖下的海外公共关系组负责统筹政府海外宣传工作。

    Its Overseas Public Relations Sub-Division co-ordinates the government 's international publicity efforts .

  6. 虽然工程在这里没有多少关注,但在海外却是关系公共利益的灾难。

    While the program has gotten very little attention here , it is a public-relations disaster in the making overseas .

  7. 这个月里,水星将穿越第九宫掌控旅行和海外人际关系的金牛座。

    This month , Mercury will move through Taurus in your ninth house of travel and your relationships with people abroad .

  8. 如果将合资企业,或投资以外的其它海外业务关系计算在内,这一数字将升至51%。

    That figure rose to 51 per cent when joint ventures or other overseas business relationships , rather than investments , were involved .

  9. 政府致力促进本港与北美洲、欧洲和亚太区主要贸易伙伴的海外公共关系。

    The government 's overseas public relations efforts are concentrated on Hong Kong 's major business partners in North America , Europe and the Asia-Pacific region .

  10. 如果那时你听到过与媒体、学术、旅行、海外人际关系、国籍或其他法律事宜相关的消息,你会看到现在它们将要迈步上个新台阶。

    If you did hear something regarding the media , academia , travel , foreign relationships , citizenship , or other legal matters , then you may see things go to the next level now .

  11. 同时鼓励更多的国内林业企业在海外建立合作关系。重点讲解:少数民族占人口的百分之六。

    The minority nationalities ac count for six per cent of the population .

  12. 美国监管机构对外资银行进行的处罚,已成为与海外监管机构关系紧张的常态化来源。

    Punishment doled out by US regulators to foreign banks has become a regular source of tension with other regulators .

  13. 建立与海外机构的关系,以方便病人转介到医疗联盟成员医院,远程会诊,并联合管理复杂的医疗案例。

    Establishing relationships with overseas institutions to facilitate patient referrals to Partners HealthCare member hospitals , remote consultations , and joint management of complex medical cases .

  14. 朝贡制度是中国的封建王朝为处理与周边民族地区及海外各国的关系而建立的一种政治经济制度。

    Tribute system was a political and economic system formed by the Chinese feudal dynasties to deal with the relations between the regions inhabited by ethnic groups around the nation and overseas countries .

  15. 我得到您的联系礼貌南非工商企业名录在约翰内斯堡私营研究的一个可靠的人,在海外投资的伙伴关系。

    I got your contact courtesy of the South African chamber of commerce and Industry business Directory here in Johannesburg private research for a reliable person , for partnership investment overseas .

  16. 对亚洲各交易所而言,与规模更大的海外交易所结成伙伴关系,可以带来提高技术水平等诸多好处,还能吸引更多外国投资者,而海外交易所则在快速成长的亚洲资本市场中获得了立足点。

    For local Asian exchanges , a partnership with a bigger overseas exchange could bring among other things , improved technology and attract more foreign investors , while the overseas exchanges get a foothold into the fast-growing Asian capital markets .

  17. 在研究位于大陆的侨乡村庄和他们散居在海外的亲属之间关系的时候,有必要考虑这些华人群体在互动过程中的空间和时间问题。

    It argues that in studying the transnational relationship between the overseas Chinese villages in the mainland and their overseas kin , it 's necessary to take into consideration the spatial and temporal factors in the interaction process of the various groups of Chinese .

  18. 法律是社会关系的调整器,海外投资制度是调整海外投资活动关系的规则体系。

    Law is a regulator to social relationship , and the overseas investment system is a regulation system to adjust overseas investing activities .

  19. 本文集中考察祁门红茶海外销售制度、上海外销商与海外市场的关系、外销茶的销售量及销售价格体系变动诸问题,以期对内陆地区传统农业产品与市场特别是国际市场关系问题有所认识。

    This paper focuses on several points , including to the system of overseas sales of Qimen 's black tea , the relationship between trade seller of Shanghai and overseas market , the change of sales amount and price and the relation between domestic traditional farm produce and international market .