
  • 网络Marine civilization;maritime civilization
  1. 对青岛海洋文明历史中几个问题的初步探讨

    A Rudimentary Exploration of Several Problems in the History of Qingdao Maritime Civilization

  2. 历史和神话双重视野中的连云港海洋文明

    Marine Civilization of Lianyungang from a Historical and Mythical Perspective

  3. 论苗族生成哲学与海洋文明

    On the Existential Philosophy of Miao and the Ocean Civilization

  4. 从史诗作品透视草原文明与海洋文明的审美建构

    On the aesthetic structure of grassland and ocean civilization from the perspective of Epics

  5. 也许大家对于蓝色文明(海洋文明)这个概念还比较陌生。

    Perhaps everyone to blue civilization ( Marine civilization ) this concept is still relatively unfamiliar .

  6. 地中海东部地区独特的自然地理条件和气候条件孕育了古希腊蔚蓝色的海洋文明。

    The unique geo-graphical conditions and maritime climate in Eastern Mediterranean Sea cultivated the marine civilization of ancient Greece .

  7. 因此,人海和谐共处,应成为21世纪人类社会追求的海洋文明理念。

    Therefore , harmony between human and ocean should be a cultural view of human society in the 21st century .

  8. 而西方宗教扎根于海洋文明和游牧文明,在思想内涵和对万事万物的理解上都与东方宗教有相当大的分歧。

    While the western religion rooted in the ocean civilization and nomadic civilization , in the ideological content and of all things understanding with Eastern religions there are considerable differences .

  9. 但如果我们说福建的文化是面向大海的开放的海洋文明,立刻就会招来反对,因为中华的传统文化在福建根基牢固,被保存得十分完好。

    You will , however , immediately incur opposition if you call Fujian culture just an open seaward maritime one , for the traditional Chinese culture is also well preserved and deeply rooted in Fujian .

  10. 中国是拥有五千年悠久历史的文明古国,虽然长久以来内陆农业文明处于主导地位,但海洋文明也是五千年灿烂文明中不可或缺的一部分。

    China is an ancient civilized country enjoying five thousand years of history . For such a long time , inland agriculture civilization has played a main role , yet marine civilization is also an essential part which is worth attention .

  11. 一方面,多元文化决定了唐代岭南商业生态群落的多样化,作为海洋文明主要形式的海外贸易空前发达,而区域内的商业文化则仍保存着严重的落后因素;

    On one hand , the diversified culture has decided the diversified Lingnan commercial in Tang dynasty , it is to say , the overseas trade was more developed , the commercial culture in locality still kept some severely backward factors ;

  12. 综观中国礼仪之争的全过程,福建首先以其区域的民间选择搭设了东西方文化的勾连之桥,并始终以其特有的海洋文明与西班牙东来者进行着文化对话。

    Taking an overview of the entire process of Chinese Rites Controversy , Fujian , set up the East-West cultural bridge of communication under its own background of regional culture , and always maintained the cultural intercourse with Eastern Spanish culture by its unique marine civilization .

  13. 海洋生态文明视角下的厦门海岸带综合管理初探

    Discussion on Xiamen ICM from the Perspective of Marine Ecological Civilization

  14. 最后将全文所述的观点做一个总结,即制海权与海洋意识从古至今对文明和国家的发展都是不可忽略的。

    Then it summarizes the whole text and gets a conclusion-the Sea Power and the maritime consciousness are significant for development of both civilization and countries in all ages .

  15. 随着海洋在人类社会文明发展中地位的提升,人文社会科学界加强了对海洋文明的研究,许多学科萌芽或生长出新的分支学科点。

    Along with more important role the sea plays in the development of human civilization , the study of maritime civilization has become a new and important branch in humanities and social science .

  16. 这种具有海洋文化特征的艺术是海洋精神文明重要和鲜明的标志之一。

    This has the characteristics of marine culture is the art of spiritual civilization important marine and distinctive landmark .

  17. 实际上,越南在其历史文明的演进过程中,早已开始接触和认识海洋,与海洋有了各种联系,海洋文明依附于陆地稻作文明而存在。

    In fact , during the historical and civilized evolvement of Vietnam , it contacted and got to know the sea , and had various relations to the sea .

  18. 大量材料表明,中国并非有海而无海洋文化,而是一个创造海洋文化的文明古国。

    Much of the evidence states clearly that China is not a sea country without sea culture , but rather a country of ancient civilization that brought about sea culture .