
  1. 1998年全球GDP为23万亿美元,其中海洋产业总产值接近1万亿美元。

    The global GDP in 1998 is 2.3 billion dollars , in which the gross product of ocean industry occupied nearly 0.1 billion dollars .

  2. 2000年,我国主要海洋产业总产值达到4133.50亿元,占全国GDP(国内生产总值)的2.6%。而其中海洋水产业为2084.34亿元,在全国海洋经济中,海洋水产业产值占了50.43%。

    In 2000 , the total production value of the main ocean industries was 4133 . 50 million yuan , 2.6 % of Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ), and marine fishery value was 2084.34 million yuan , 50.43 % of marine economic value of our country .