
  • 网络Age of Pirates;Puzzle Pirates
  1. 所以,那个所谓的“海盗时代”就那样结束了。

    And so the so-called ''pirate era ''is coming to an end .

  2. 当这段旅程结束时,他们已经对挪威从海盗时代到现代的变迁有了自己的一丝体会。

    By the time their journey is over , they will have glimpsed the sweep of Norwegian history from the Vikings to modern times .

  3. 这些偶尔发生的偷袭事件既费力又常无结果,8世纪他们停止了这些活动,此时持续约两个世纪的北欧海盗时代开始了。

    These sporadic , laborious and often fruitless raids ended in the eighth century , when the Viking age , which lasted about two centuries , began .

  4. 英雄时代的希腊人、罗马建立前不久的各意大利部落、塔西佗时代的德意志人、海盗时代的诺曼人,都属于这个阶段。

    To it belong the Greeks of the heroic age , the tribes of Italy shortly before the foundation of rome , the Germans of Tacitus and the Norsemen of the Viking age .

  5. 海盗&大航海时代的传奇

    Pirates : Legends of the Nautical Age