
  1. 三江流域的特殊自然环境造就了赫哲族特有的渔业文化。

    The special natural environment created its own the fishery culture .

  2. 他表示,这个节日促进了传统的渔业文化。

    He says the festival promotes traditional fishing culture .

  3. 认为农耕文化和渔业文化是有联系的,它们不是孤立静止的。

    Considers that there are relationships between agro-farming culture and fishery 's culture . They are not isolated and statically .

  4. 农耕文化与渔业文化的对话&评智者乐水,仁者乐山的文化间性

    Agro-farming Culture and Fishery 's Culture . Comment on Culture Relationship of " The Wise Find Pleasure in Water ; the Virtuous Find Pleasure in Hills "

  5. 它做为荣成当地民族文化、海洋渔业文化的一部分,与渔民原始的劳动、渔家风俗和当地方言特点分不开,有其自身独特的意义。

    As part of the local culture and fishing civilization in Rongcheng , fisherman chantey was born in the work of people , local customs and dialects and these features bestowed it with unique style and significance .

  6. 19世纪中期以前,赫哲族处于原始氏族制社会阶段,以单一的渔猎经济,萨满教信仰为生产生活模式,其社会的突出特点是渔业文化发达。

    From the 17th to the middle of 19th century , Hezhen 's traditional social culture was a primitive clan society on the single fishery and hunts economy and a fishery and hunt culture on fishery culture .

  7. 关于渔业企业文化问题的初步研究

    An Initial Study on Civilization of Fishery Enterprise

  8. 关于渔业企业文化的探讨

    A Discussion on Culture of Fishery Enterprise