
yú huì
  • fishermen's association
渔会 [yú huì]
  • [fishermens union] 渔业工会的简称,是由渔民组成的民间团体

  1. 我国台湾的渔会及其职能

    The fishery association and her function in taiwan , china

  2. 此外还有外资银行的分支机构、信用合作社,以及农会和渔会的信贷部门等。

    In addition there are branches of foreign banks , credit co-operatives and credit departments of farmers ' and fishermen 's associations .

  3. 非渔会会员或非渔业生产合作社社员之入渔,应另以契约约定之。

    Fishing in specific waters by non-members of a fishery association or fishery production cooperative shall be agreed to by a contract .

  4. 他们知道在冰面下面游滳的海蹹呼吸的热渔会使冰面上出现洞口,于是他们帱在洞旁守侯并捕杀海蹹。

    They know that a seal swimming under the ice will keep a breathing hole open by its warm breath , so they will wait beside the hole and kill it .

  5. 青岛渔会按照现代社团组织模式,建立起科层化的组织体系和管理方式,在服务会员、促进青岛渔业发展中起到了一定积极作用。

    In compliance with the mode of organizing modern societies , Qingdao Fishermen 's Union set up different levels of organization and ways of management , contributing greatly to the development of Qingdao 's fishing industry .