
  • 网络Voyager;navigator;The Seafarer
  1. 我是一个旅行者,也是一个航海者,我每天在我的灵魂中发现一个新的王国。

    A traveler am I and a navigator , and every day I discover a new region within my soul .

  2. 就像舒尔茨说得那样理想如星辰,即使我们触摸不到,也可以像航海者一样,借星光的指引而引路。

    Like schultz says so ideal such as stars , even if we can 't touch , also may like navigator , as the guide and guide by starlight .

  3. 对于那些对巨浪毫无准备或依赖海冰保护的航海者和当地社区来说很危险。

    That could be dangerous for navigators and local communities who are unprepared for huge waves or depend on sea ice to protect them .

  4. 还记得吗?1990年,CarlSaga在航海者太空飞船经过土星的时候,调转其方向面对地球。

    Do you remember when Carl Sagan turned the Voyager spacecraft back towards the Earth , in 1990 after it just passed Saturn ?

  5. Sirens(塞壬),人面鸟身的海妖,会用她们天籁般的歌喉诱惑过路的航海者而使航船触礁沉没。

    Sirens were bird-women who lived by the sea and would use their magical voices to lure sailors to their deaths .

  6. 他们是伟大的航海者,因为他们是伟大的经商者。

    They were great seamen because they were great traders .

  7. 没有目的地的航海者无法希望有顺风。

    A sailor without a destination cannot hope for a favorable wind .

  8. 然后我将站在你们之间,一个航海者站在许多航海者之间。

    And then I shall stand among you , a seafarer among seafarers .

  9. 雾是航海者最致命的敌人。

    Fog is the sailor 's deadly enemy .

  10. 一位美国青少年成为世界上最年轻的独自环球航海者。

    An American teenager has become the youngest person to sail around the world alone .

  11. 在能见度不良环境和情况下追越他船,对于广大航海者来说是一种非常常见的情形。

    It is very familiar for mariners to overtake another ship during the circumstance and condition of restricted visibility .

  12. 到达后,她将成为历史上最年轻的无帮助独自环球航海者。

    Upon arrival , she will become the youngest person to have circumnavigated the globe solo and without help .

  13. 我们的教授正在研究波利尼西亚航海者如何发现并定居在太平洋几乎每一位可以居住的岛上。

    My professor was researching how Polynesian seafarers discovered and settled nearly every inhabitable island in the Pacific Ocean .

  14. 海岸红杉也偏爱潮湿多雾的气候。雾是航海者最致命的敌人。

    The coastal redwoods also like a damp , foggy climate . Fog is the sailor 's deadly enemy .

  15. (希腊神话中的)塞壬(半鸟半女人的怪物,常用美妙的歌声引诱航海者触礁毁灭)。

    ( in Greek mythology ) siren ( one of a number of winged women whose songs lured sailors to their destruction )

  16. 殊途同归&《黑暗的心灵》与《西太平洋的航海者》之比较

    Different Routes Leading to the Same Goal & Comparison between " Heart of Darkness " and " Argonauts of the Western Pacific "

  17. 当他完毕了他的残忍的晚餐,吃了我们另一个航海者以后,他朝天躺了下去,于是睡熟了。

    After he had finished his inhuman supper on another of our seamen , he lay down on his back and fell asleep .

  18. 在他的影片《水的世界》里,科斯特纳扮演航海者,一个孤独地航行在500年以后的世界上的人。

    In his film , Waterworld , Costner plays the Mariner , a loner who sails across a world 500 years from now .

  19. 《流浪者-狄奥》,《航海者》和《妻子的抱怨》是当时世俗诗的短篇抒情诗中的佼佼者。

    The Wanderer Deor , The seafarer , The wife 's complaint , are among the best of the secular group of poetry of shorter length .

  20. 有些人已安息有些人仍活著还有些人继续在海上航行他的钥匙插入箱子里恶魔将会实现我们航海者的梦!

    Some men have died and some are alive And others sail on the sea with He keys to the cage and the Devil to pay we lay to Fiddler 's Green !

  21. 结论重力拮抗肌肌电图可敏感反映前庭功能异常时前庭脊髓反射的姿势反射状况,为航海者提供一个检测前庭功能的指标。

    Conclusions As a valuable index , EMG could be used to examine vestibulospinal reflexes and posture response in vestibular dysfunction state , and it is useful for the examination of vestibular function in seamen .

  22. 但是还存在一些问题让我们不得不去思考,如这些系统在提供种类繁多助航信息的同时,还造成航海者疲于去处理这些通过相互独立系统提供有重复的助航信息。

    But there are some problems we have to think , as these systems provide a wide range of navigation information , while also causing sailors struggling to deal with the repetitive of navigation information .

  23. 其原因是他决定以北极星的方向来确定地图的方向,因为北极星是固定不动的航灯,那时的航海者依赖它进行航行。

    The reason for this was that he decided to orientate the map in the direction of the Vole Star since Polaris was the immovable guiding light in which the voyagers of that era placed their trust .

  24. 海图志是一种小开本的资料图书,里面详细记述了航海驾驶者的航海观测与现场描述。

    A rutter was a small book containing the detailed observation of a pilot who had been there before .

  25. 信天翁传说中航海人的守护者已经濒临灭绝了。

    The albatross - legendary protector of seafarers - is heading for extinction .

  26. 航海图标出海岸线、水深或供航海者使用的其他信息的地图值得注意的是航行地役权,仅适用于符合传统通航标准的水域。

    A map showing coastlines , water depths , or other information of use to navigators . It is important to note that the navigational servitude applies only to waters meeting the traditional test of navigability .