
gāng líng
  • mound;a high mound
冈陵 [gāng líng]
  • [a high mound] 山冈和丘陵(连绵起伏的冈陵)

冈陵[gāng líng]
  1. 以色列人哪,当听耶和华的话。要起来向山岭争辩,使冈陵听你的话。

    Hear ye now what the Lord saith ; arise , contend thou before the mountains , and let the hills hear thy voice .

  2. 在大行杀戮的日子,高台倒塌的时候,各高山冈陵,必有川流河涌。

    In the day of great slaughter , when the towers fall , streams of water will flow on every high mountain and every lofty hill .