
  • 网络third century
  1. 大约在公元三世纪的罗马,那时恺撒已经死去快三百年了,暴君Claudius当政。

    Around the third century AD Rome , Caesar was dead at that time three hundred years faster , and the tyrant rulers Claudius .

  2. 首先,那个服装柜是三世纪的。

    First , that fez-and-vest combo is much too third century .

  3. 阿基米德活跃于公元前三世纪;阿基米德是公元前三世纪的人。

    Archimedes flourished in the3rd century B.C.

  4. 浪漫主义者们喜欢三世纪罗马帝王与牧师Valentine的故事。

    Romantics favor the tale of the third-century Roman emperor and priest Valentine .

  5. 公元前二和三世纪,基督教也在高卢领土扎根下来。

    Christianity also took root in the second and third centuries AD.

  6. 他是来自第三世纪的科普特主教,他说过:

    a Coptic bishop from the third century , who said :

  7. 军队堕落与罗马帝国三世纪危机

    Degeneration of the army and the Third-Century Crisis in the Roman Empire

  8. 公元前第三世纪的秦朝统一了中国。

    The Ch'in dynasty of the3rd century B.C.united China .

  9. 道教是三世纪时由中国人自己创立的。

    Taoism was a religion founded by the Chinese in the third century .

  10. 这两种修道形式,在三世纪开始发展。

    You have both these forms of monasticism starting to developin the third century .

  11. 第三世纪基督教的殉教者;旅行者的守护神。

    A Christian martyr of the 3rd century ; the patron saint of travellers .

  12. (公元前三世纪)希腊几何学家。

    Greek geometer ( 3rd century BC ) .

  13. 情人节又名瓦伦丁节,是以公元三世纪一名罗马牧师的名字命名的。

    It is named after Valentine who was a priest in third century Rome .

  14. 在第三世纪,这种禁欲主义变成,一种非常成熟的思想和神学。

    This all becomes a highly elaborated ideology and theology starting in the third century .

  15. 公元前三世纪的一位诗人。

    The 3rd century BC poet .

  16. 同时在三世纪,罗马帝国第一个真正大规模的宗教迫害开始了。

    You also have in the third century the first really empire wide persecution of the church .

  17. 但在他生活的时代,在三世纪,他是最正统不过了。

    In his own day , though , in the third century , he was completely orthodox .

  18. 据说在三世纪,一个国人记录了它是怎样制造的。

    It is said that in the3rd century a Chinese man wrote abort how to make it .

  19. 丝绸生产的历史源于三世纪的中国基督教时代。

    The history of silk thread production began in the III century before the Christian Era in China .

  20. 三世纪到中世纪斯堪的纳维亚使用的古日耳曼字母。

    Any character from an ancient Germanic alphabet used in Scandinavia from the3rd century to the middle ages .

  21. 公元前三世纪是孔雀王朝,印度第一个大帝国形成的时期。

    The3rd century BC was the period of the Mauryan empire , the first great empire of India .

  22. 大约在公元前三世纪,云南的中心地区那时叫滇。

    Around the third century BC , the central area of Yunnan around present day Kunming was known as Dian .

  23. 这部动画连续剧讲述的是三世纪时期纷争混乱的三国年代。

    The long-running production 's story follows well-known events from the chaotic Three Kingdoms period in the early third century .

  24. 本文是广州历史地理问题研究的一部分,主要内容是探究广州城市早期、即约在公元前三世纪开始作为古番禺城发展阶段的历史地理特点。

    This Paper is a Part of the research on Problems concerning the historical geography of the city of Guang-zhou .

  25. 中国考古学家称他们出土了一个墓穴,他们认为属于三世纪一个传奇式的政治家和将军。

    Chinese archaeologists say they 've unearthed a tomb they believed may belong to a legendary third century politician and general .

  26. 经过三世纪危机,人民不再相信帝国,转而把希望寄托在宗教上,基督教由此取得合法地位。

    People no longer believed the empire and instead they pinned their hopes on religion , which made Christianity legal status .

  27. 导致罗马帝国三世纪危机的原因很多,但军队的堕落是重要原因。

    Various factors led to the third-century crisis , but the degeneration of the army was a prime reason for the crisis .

  28. 因为我已在你们和全能的上帝面前,作了跟我们祖先将近一又四分之三世纪以前所拟定的相同的庄严誓言。

    For I have sworn before you and almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago .

  29. 在三世纪,奥利金代表了,基督教圣经学术的,强势崛起。

    Origen represents , in the third century , a new very , very strong rise in the level of Christian biblical scholarship .

  30. 符号的安排和样式符合古老奥尔梅克文化的文字书写,大致比公元三世纪的文字要早。

    The arrangement and pattern of the symbols suggest the ancient Olmec civilization was using written language roughly three centuries earlier than previously proposed .