
  • 网络Sanyi;ZPLJ
  1. 三义寨龙山文化因素分析;

    The factor analysis of Sanyizhai Longshan culture ;

  2. 三义的演化与关联展示出中国传统重“感”文化传统的源与流。

    The character xian with its linguistic evolvement shows the source and development of the Chinese culture of feeling .

  3. 三峡库区外迁移民的社会关系调适&以三义村为个案清代基层社会控制中州县官与绅士关系之演变

    Social Relation Evolution of Emigrators from Three Gorges Project Area The Relation Evolution between the Local Magistrate and the Gentry in the Grass-Roots of Society Control in the Qing Dynasty

  4. 至宋末元初,“晚唐体”这个诗学概念形成了一体三义。一体即特指晚唐至宋末一些具有隐逸情调的精雕苦吟之诗;

    By the end of the late Song and the early Yuan Dynasties , the poetic concept of " Genre of Late Tang " is a trinity with three implications .

  5. 史以为鉴,在晚清法学翻译史上,梁启超的译书三义,严复的译事三难等翻译理论和标准具有鲜明的时代特征。

    In the history of legal translation in later Qing Dynasty , some translation theory and criterion proposed by famous translation jurists such Liang Qichao and Yanfu had distinct character in that epoch .