
  • 网络still life
  1. 从镜头语言的话语功能上看,《三峡好人》具有以下的艺术特色:关注现实,反映当下的社会问题;

    From discourse function of lens language , Still Life has following artistic features : paying attention to reality to reflect recent social problem ;

  2. 在经历了故乡三步曲之后,贾樟柯在延续其一贯个人风格的基础上,突破叙事主题的局限,成就了《三峡好人》在威尼斯电影节上的熠熠生辉。

    Experienced the trilogy of hometown , Jia Zhangke broke the limits of the narrative subjects based on his personal style , and his film Still Life won the prize in the Venice Film Festival .