
  • 网络Director of Photography;DOP;cinematographer
  1. 他还特邀《阿凡达》视觉效果总监查克•康米斯盖,担任该片的3D视觉特效摄影指导。

    Tsui also invited Chuck Comisky , the visual-effects supervisor of the film Avatar , as the 3D director to manage the special effects .

  2. Mereki同他的朋友——摄影指导TimWhite和演员AndrewLees一起旅行,在44天中游历了11个国家,拍摄了3部电影短片。

    Mereki traveled with two friends , DOP Tim White and Actor Andrew Lees , to 11 countries in 44 days , shooting the three short films .

  3. 以及摄影指导们所做的各种创意选择,来引导观众的关注点。

    and the creative choices directors of photography make to guide the viewers ' attention .

  4. 摄影指导/摄影师:负责管理摄影团队,实现视觉和灯光效果——当然最好是得到器械部门和电力部门通力支持。

    DP / Director of Photography / Cinematographer : Runs the camera crew to make the visual and lighting magic - hopefully , super well supported by the grip and electric department .

  5. 主人公们不断返回废墟,与死去的孩子、父母和兄弟姐妹谈心。镜头长时间停留在废墟上,把瓦砾和破碎的建筑变成朦胧的水墨画(该片的摄影指导是孙少光)。

    Mr. Qi 's subjects keep returning to the ruins to commune with their dead children , parents and siblings , and his camera lingers over the wreckage , turning the debris and the scattered buildings into misty brush paintings . ( The cinematography was by Shaoguang Sun . )

  6. 市民摄影与指导摄影:新闻聚集的方式,道德,隐私与真实性的改变。

    Citizen Journalist and the Participatory Photographer : the changing nature of news picture gathering , ethics , privacy and authenticity .