
  • 网络Phototheodolite;photo theodolite
  1. 条带式CCD摄影经纬仪测量精度分析

    Measurement Accuracy Analysis of CCD Photo theodolite With Long Narrow Photosensitive Surface

  2. 摄影经纬仪胶片简易自动判读的实现

    A Simple Film Reading Method of the Optical Film Theodolite

  3. FGJ&850A弹道终点座标摄影经纬仪总体精度分析计算

    Analysis and Calculation about the Overall Accuracy of FGJ-850A Trajectory-Terminal Coordinate-photographic Theodolites

  4. 基于非量测数码相机的摄影经纬仪的方案论证

    Scheme Argumentation of Camera Transit Based on Non-Metric Digital Camera

  5. 本文介绍了连发弹道摄影经纬仪特有的可移动玻璃底板的宽调速方案设计。

    A design was presented for wide sped governing scheme of movable glass plate unique to theodolite for fire away trajectory photography .

  6. 目前常用的小范围地形数据采集方法主要有基于全站仪的地面测量方法和基于摄影经纬仪的地面摄影测量方法。

    Nowadays the most common used methods for extracting small range topographic data are the total-station-based ground surveying and the photography-theodolite-based terrestrial photogrammetry .

  7. 本文是第二套741型弹道摄影经纬仪中心快门程序控制和显示研制报告的技术总结。

    A report of the program control and display of the modified " 741 " trajectory camera & theodolite is summed up in this paper .

  8. 该方法把高射转化为平射,把综合性的毁伤效力射击试验分解为单项的命中率试验和终点效应试验,避免了高射试验所需要的大型摄影经纬仪、弹道相机等稀有的贵重仪器。

    The utilization of many large costly and rare implements needed in the test of high-angle fire , such as the photograph theodolite , ballistic camera etc , are avoided by using the method .

  9. 将非量测型数码相机与经纬仪(或全站仪)望远镜紧固连为一体,并且采用的是一个可重复拆装、具有高定位精度的联接装置,构成了所谓的摄影经纬仪系统。

    Non-metric digital camera and telescope of transit are connected firmly for integral whole , and adopt a fixed position equipment that can be fixed repeatedly and have high accuracy , makes so-called camera transit system .

  10. 为了使测量站在日常维护中能够通过数据判定摄影经纬仪设备性能,提出了利用扫描仪扫描胶片,形成位图文件,结合图像处理技术,准确读出各项测量数据。

    In order to find the qualification of the optical film theodolite in the daily maintenance , this paper proposes a simple approach to read all the measurement data precisely by scanning the film into bitmap and combining with the image manipulation technology .