
  • 网络Photography Foundation;Basic Photography
  1. 本课程以摄影美学、像运用与传达为学习基础,透过摄影基础表现的操作。

    This course is used and transmits in order to study the foundation with photography aesthetics , image , operation that displays through the photography foundation .

  2. 高校摄影基础课程教学随着审美意识的增强,越来越受到学生的喜爱。

    With the increasing growth of aesthetic consciousness promoted by the teaching of Photographic Course in Colleges , more and more students began to love this course .

  3. 以摄影为基础,摄像、电脑图像先后被发明。

    Based on it , video and computer graphics were invented later .

  4. 《摄影技术基础》网络课程的教学设计

    The instructional design of network course , Basic Photo Technology

  5. 前波画廊这次举办的展览,着眼点在于以摄影为基础的作品,将他广泛的兴趣与各个不同方面联系在一起,比如书法和摄影的结合。

    For the current exhibition the focus is on photo-based works that unite several aspects of his broad range of interests , calligraphy and photography .

  6. 本文分析了我院开设摄影技术基础课程的背景,初步研究探讨了摄影课在本院的教学情况,指出摄影教学在我国大力提倡素质教育的今天,大有可为。

    Abstract : This essay makes an analysis of the background information of offering a photography course as a basic skill , and makes a tentative research of and inquiry into photography teaching in our institute .

  7. 在分析三色光栅(TCG)编码滤色器用于数码彩色摄影原理的基础上,完成了黑白CCD像面前加贴TCG编码滤色器获得数字彩色图像的实验。

    Based on the principle analysis of digital color photography with tricolor grating ( TCG ), the experiments of adding TCG contacted before the imaging plane of a black-and-white CCD and taking digital color pictures with it were accomplished .

  8. 单色光眼底摄影的应用基础研究

    Basic study on evaluation of the fundus with monochromatic photography

  9. 方法以多丝正比室线扫描X线摄影系统为基础,分析线扫描直接数字化X线摄影的适用性。

    Methods The applicability of linear scanning for multiwire proportional chamber direct digital Xray radiography were analysed .

  10. 照相机内外参数标定是计算机视觉应用于道路交通事故摄影测量的基础,直接影响着测量精度。

    Camera calibration is the base of applying computer vision to measuring accident scene , which determines the accuracy of measurement .

  11. 文章主要内容包括摄影测量的基础理论、数字影像图的制作方法和航空影像图在矿山地质环境治理中的应用三部分。

    This article mainly covers the basic theory of photogrammetry , digital image of the production methods and aerial imagery map in the mine geological environment governance in three parts .

  12. 针对复杂关联群采多空区情况,在现场摄影调查的基础上,提出了以探地雷达和瑞雷波法为主的综合探测技术。

    For complicated associated many mined-out areas , composite detecting technology with generating ground radar ( GPR ) and Raleigh wave method is taken forward , on the base of on-the-spot photography investigation .

  13. 本文以摄影测量技术为基础,采用Visualc++面向对象的编程语言开发道路交通事故现场图自动绘制系统。

    The paper has used object-oriented programming language Visual C + + to develop the automatic drawing system of road traffic accident scene diagram based on photogrammetry technology .

  14. 狭缝联动摄影外弹道测试基础系统研究

    Basic system study on SYNCHRO-BALLISTIC photography exterior ballistic test

  15. 在近景摄影测量理论的基础上,讨论了光束平差约束方程组的建立方法与求解方法。

    Method of establishing and solving ray bundle constraint equations has been studied in theory based on close-range photogrammetry . 6 .

  16. 首先介绍了航空摄影测量的理论基础,包含摄影测量、空中三角测量平差原理和数字摄影测量三方面,说明了该方法的科学依据。

    First introduced the theoretical basis of aerial photogrammetry , including photogrammetry , aerial triangulation and digital photogrammetry , the scientific basis of the method .

  17. 在本论文中,主要研究以摄影测量方法为基础的分布式姿态测量系统,并应用到甲板变形测量领域。

    In this paper , A major study is distributed attitude measurement system based on the method of photographic measurement , and applied to the study of deck deformation field .

  18. 在概述岩坡结构面产状摄影测量方法的基础上,提出了灭点推导法及其计算公式,并对灭线法作了进一步说明。

    Based on a summary of the methods for photographic survey of strike - dip of structural surfaces on rock slopes , the vanishing point deduction method and its calculation formula are proposed , and the method of vanishing line is further illustrated .

  19. 根据正交摄影原理,在狭缝联动摄影外弹道测试基础系统中设计了一个平面反射镜装置。

    A Reflective mirror apparatus has been used in Synchro - ballistic camera according to the principle of orthogonal photography .

  20. 提出了以量测摄影仪与普通相机相结合的地面摄影遥感为基础,建立岩坡空间信息系统(RSIS)的概念;

    The concept of Rock slope Spatial Information System ( RSIS ) based on remote sensing of ground photogrammetry , and the method of ″ layer calculation ″ for study of rock blocks and sliding planes are put forward .

  21. 首先介绍了基于广义点的摄影测量,在分析基于直线特征广义点摄影测量的基础上,通过ICP方法的引入,从而建立了一种基于自由态控制曲线的外方位元素解算方法。

    At the basis of analyzing generalized points photogrammetry based on line feature , making use of the ICP arithmetic , a resection from free-form control curves has been constructed .