
shè yǐnɡ pénɡ
  • photostudio;film studio
摄影棚 [shè yǐng péng]
  • [photographic workshop] 为拍摄电影内景而搭置的建筑物

  1. 摄影棚空调设计及特点

    Film studio air conditioning design and characteristics

  2. 最美好的一天,是我伯父带我到摄影棚的那天。

    Best of all was the day my uncle took me to the film studio .

  3. 这个摄影棚并不隔音。

    The studio isn 't soundproof .

  4. 自从进入摄影棚的第一刻起,他就希望自己也能成为一名导演。

    From the first moment he got on the set , he wanted to be a director too

  5. 《老友记》特别节目的拍摄在美国加州伯班克的Stage24摄影棚进行。这也是华纳兄弟原来拍摄《老友记》的地方。

    Filming for the Friends special took place on the show 's original soundstage , Stage 24 , on the Warner Bros lot in Burbank , California .

  6. 电梯门一开就是停车场的那些镜头,剧组实际上是在洛杉矶中心摄影棚(LosAngelesCenterStudios)里重新搭建的电梯场景。

    For shots in which the doors open to reveal the parking garage , the crew actually rebuilt the elevator set in a garage at Los Angeles Center Studios .

  7. ClintonEastwood在华纳兄弟摄影棚的红灯我正在录这一时刻

    That 's Clinton Eastwood at the light at the Warner Brother 's studio . I am recording this moment .

  8. 我住的地方离摄影棚只有30分钟的路程爱你的Paige,PaigeConway

    I live like 30 minutes away from your studio , Love Paige , Paige Conway

  9. 小记:MBC为了想要录制一些摄影棚现场的声音(欢呼声,笑声),而请了一些观众一同在摄影棚观看。

    Note : MBC invites people to watch episodes before their broadcast in order to record audience sounds ( cheering , laughing ) .

  10. 詹妮弗·安妮斯顿、柯特妮·考克斯、莉莎·库卓、马特·勒布朗、马修·瑞和大卫·休默将回归华纳兄弟原来拍摄《老友记》、位于伯班克的Stage24摄影棚,庆祝这一2004年终结的长寿剧集。

    Jennifer Aniston , Courteney Cox , Lisa Kudrow , Matt LeBlanc , Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer will return to the original " Friends " soundstage , Stage 24 , on the Warner Bros. Studio lot in Burbank to celebrate the long-running series , which ended its run in 2004 .

  11. 剧集,纪念我们曾经的所有欢乐,以及在华纳兄弟摄影棚之旅中享受全套的老友记VIP体验。”视频结尾的字幕上是一条来自安妮斯顿自己的信息:

    reunion , as we reminisce about the show and celebrate all the fun we had ... and get the whole Friends VIP experience on the Warner Bros. Studio Tour . " She ended her caption with a personal message , writing ,

  12. 她在Instagram上写道:“请理解我对一次拍摄的掌控1.不存在创意指导。2.当我离开摄影棚,我的任务就完成了,海报照片的编辑就完全脱离了我的掌控。”

    She wrote on Instagram : " Please understand that my control of a shoot 1 . is non existent in terms of creative direction . 2 . ends completely when I leave set , and anything done to a photo in post is out of my control fully . "

  13. 可是我想我刚才看见你在摄影棚照相了。

    But I thought I saw you taking pictures in studio .

  14. 一个演员在摄影棚中说:早上好。

    An actor says ," Good morning " in the studio .

  15. 这个节目是在摄影棚观众面前现场录影的。

    This show is live in front of a studio audience .

  16. 央视太湖摄影棚网架结构火灾捕捉修复施工

    Repairing construction of lattice grid structure for CCTV Taihu photostudio after fire

  17. 虚拟摄影棚资源制作系统研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Resources Authoring System in Virtual Studio

  18. 然后我们一起去摄影棚。

    We 'll go to the photo shoot together . -

  19. 第一次进入这样的摄影棚。

    First time being in a studio like this .

  20. 也许下次我们应该去我的摄影棚。

    Maybe next time we should use my studio .

  21. 不过,离开了好莱坞舒适的摄影棚,摄制组自然也遇到了些麻烦;

    But leaving the comforts of a Hollywood soundstage does have its pitfalls ;

  22. 我相信他正在去摄影棚的路上

    I believe he 's on the way to the studio right now .

  23. 我今晚要去天际摄影棚看服装秀

    Tonight I 'm actually going to this fashion thing at Sky Studios .

  24. 我妈妈都说地下室变成了喜剧电影摄影棚。

    My mom says the basement smells like a Cheech and Chong movie .

  25. 看起来他去摄影棚前装了一个微型摄像装置。

    Seems he was wearing a miniature camera when he came to the set .

  26. 我以前挺喜欢那儿的摄影棚。

    I used to love the keystone kops .

  27. 他会到摄影棚来,我们聊戏剧、书籍和诗歌。

    He comes on set and we talk through plays and books and poems .

  28. 天际摄影棚那天的秀怎样?

    How was the Sky Studio fashion thing you went to the other night ?

  29. 基于虚拟摄影棚的高质量教育资源制作技术研究与应用

    The Study and Application of Production Technology of High-quality Educational Resources Based on Virtual Studio

  30. 只是打电话来告诉你,让你到电视摄影棚来!

    Just calling to tell you to get your patootie down to the television studio !