
  1. 目的评价国家一类新药盐酸关附甲素注射液(GFA)治疗室性心律失常的疗效和安全性。

    Objective To investigate the effect and safety of intravenous Guanfu Base A hydrochloride ( GFA ) in the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias .

  2. 一类新药研发的问题与对策研究

    Studies on Main Problems and Countermeasures of R d for the First Type of New Drug

  3. 成都恒瑞拥有全国同类抗感染药品销售额排名前茅的一类新药莱迪胶囊。

    Chengdu Henry has a similar anti-infective products sales nationwide rankings come out on top of a class of drugs Laidi capsule .

  4. 本研究基本完成了国家一类新药制剂学部分的临床前资料,处方已申请专利。

    The preclinical study of it as lnd category new drug of China have been finished basically and the formulation has been patented .

  5. 通过攻关,已有200多个新药处于临床前期研究阶段,10余个国家一类新药进入临床研究;

    Intensive research and development have put more than 200 new drugs into the pre-clinic study phase and over 10 national primary new drugs into clinic testing .

  6. 甲基转移酶诊断试剂盒是为恶性肿瘤的快速诊断,选择肿瘤化疗与治疗方案的生物试剂一类新药。

    The MGMT is for malignant tumor of fast examine a patient , choose the tumor chemotherapy try with the living creature of the treatment project an a new medicine .

  7. 一类新药产业象石油,化工,汽车和电信产业一样,是一个国家的龙头产业,占有相当重要经济地位;

    As petroleum , chemical engineering , automobile and telecommunication industry , FTND is one of key industry for a nation , and occupies an important place in the national economy .

  8. 年销售额为2亿元人民币。其中科泰新为国家一类新药,利佳片获国家发明二等奖,糖适平单品种销售额1.2亿元人民币。

    Dihydroartemisinin is of a State first class new medicine , norcantharidin has won secondary prize for State class invention , while gliqidone alone reaches an annual sales value of120 million Yuan .

  9. 另一类新药,“肌抑素抑制剂”,它无法增强运动员的肌肉,而是通过减缓肌肉组织的常规分解来增强力量。

    Rather than beefing up an athlete 's muscles , another new class of drugs , myostatin inhibitors , slow the routine breakdown of muscle tissue , offering an alternative way of increasing strength .

  10. 因此最终研发项目能成功上市的几率仅为万分之一。新中国从建国至今,被世界广泛承认并全球销售的中国专利药品仅有两种(非一类新药)。

    So the successful chance of a new drug is merely part per million . From the founding of P.R. China , there are only two drugs , which have been widely recognized as Chinese patent drug ( not first class drugs ) by the world and sold world-widely .

  11. 目的对国产一类抗癌新药盐酸博安霉素(BAM)治疗中、晚期恶性肿瘤的临床疗效和毒性进行评价。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy of boanmycin ( BAM ) in patients with advanced cancers .

  12. 目前SR已经在实验室研发成功,并进行了11年的临床试验,已经完全具备了向国家申请一类化学新药的条件。

    Currently " SR " has been successfully developed in laboratory and conducted clinical trials for 9 years , so it fully fulfill the requirement of application of first class chemical drug .

  13. 海洋生物毒素&一类重要的新药研究先导化合物

    Marine biological toxins & A kind of important lead compounds for new drug research

  14. 埃坡霉素作为一类高效的抗癌新药,已引起了人们的广泛关注。

    Epothilones is a kind of highly effective new anti-cancer medicines .