
  1. 房间里一片阳光。

    The room was steeped in sunshine .

  2. 第十八章一片阳光

    Chapter 18 a flood of sunshine

  3. 我的童年和许多人一样,是一片阳光灿烂的绿地。

    My childhood appears to me like a sunny meadow , as it does to many people .

  4. 我们有时会想像荒岛是一片阳光终日普照的乐土。

    We sometimes imagine a desert island to be a sort of paradise which the sun always shines .

  5. 大约半小时后,火车穿过云雾,驶向一片阳光灿烂。

    Suddenly , after about half an hour , the train came through the cloud and into the sunlight .

  6. 我死后,你把屋后的那片土地整理出来,那是一片阳光普照的大地。

    After I am dead you must clear the land behind the house where the sun shines longest and brightest .

  7. 就把这些光摆列在天空,普照在地上。我跨进一片阳光普照的天地。

    " and God put them in the arch of heaven , to give light on the earth ;" I went into the sunshine .

  8. 所有使我像草一样颤抖过的快乐或者好的思想,都变成声音飞到四方八面去吧,不管它像一阵微风或者一片阳光。

    All enjoyment or good thinking That make me shake like grass , All become sound to fly in all directions . No matter it is like a blast of breeze Or a ray of sunlight .

  9. 微风带走我的思想,只剩下一片金黄阳光。

    Breeze carries off my thought , only golden sunshine left to me .

  10. 一片浸染阳光的红瓦顶

    The flaky red-tile roofline , bright in the sunshine

  11. 为你寻找一片温暖的阳光。

    To find out the warmest sunshine for you .

  12. 早晨,一片通红的阳光,把平静的江水照得象玻璃一样发亮。

    Early in the morning the red sun makes the placid river gleam like glass .

  13. 幸福是一片真诚的阳光,照亮世间最阴暗的角落。

    Was a sincere well-being of the sun , illuminate the dark corners of the world .

  14. 通过实验发现,一片叶片接触阳光会引起整株植物的反应。

    In their experiment , the scientists showed that light shone on to one leaf caused the whole plant to respond .

  15. 一片放在阳光下的金属,其温度要上升到它吸收热量和失去热量的速率相等时才停止。

    A piece of metal left in the sun rises in temperature until it loses heat at the same rate at while it absorbs heat .

  16. 他们原以为会看见荒原上灰不溜秋、长满石南的山坡越来越高,一直通向阴沉沉的秋日的天空,没料到迎面却看见了一片强烈的阳光。

    They had expected to see the grey , heathery slope of the moor going up and up to join the dull autumn sky . Instead , a blaze of sunshine met them .

  17. 是在寻找一片亮丽心头的阳光吗?

    Is looking for a bright sunshine in my heart it ?

  18. 树木上是一片银白色的阳光,其中最奇特的还闪闪发光。

    The trees were full of silver-white sunlight and the meanest of them sparkled .

  19. 父母给了我一片蓝天和七彩阳光。

    My parents gave me a part of blue sky and seven color sun light .

  20. 在这一片平安无事的,阳光和煦的土地上,早在乔答摩之前就有许多人发现生活是烦恼而神秘的。

    Many men before Gautama in that land of uneventful sunshine had found life distressing and mysterious .

  21. 我只知道我的第一个摇篮曾是一片橡树叶,阳光从树枝间透过来,温柔地爱抚着我。

    All I know is that my first cradle has been an oak leaf and that the light filtered through the branches has tenderly caressed me .

  22. 但是,在泡沫飞溅和滚滚乌云的上面,却泛着一片小岛似的阳光,照射出一个天使的脸来;

    But high above the flying scud and dark-rolling clouds , there floated a little isle of sunlight , from which beamed forth an angel 's face ;

  23. 几栋老式房子形成一个中心,四周一片草地,阳光暖洋洋的。

    There was an old centre , of mellow rooted houses , warm in the sunshine .

  24. 我们眺望一年的美景,放牧一片又一片阳光。

    We looked in the beauty and herding a year and one sunshine .

  25. 厚重的云堆慢慢移动,漏出一角石青的天,洒下一片炙人的阳光。

    Thick stack slowly moving clouds , the days of leakage of the iceberg Shiqing , cast a Sunburn the sun .