
  1. 在超市里有成千上万种各色各式产品,它们的包装使你相信它们值得一购。为何?

    There are thousands of products of all colors and shapes in a supermarket , making you believe that they are worthy a try . how ?

  2. 其治边政策一购利器以讨军实,一招屯户以实边上的实施,使延边地区得到了开放,东部边疆日益稳定发展。

    Wu adopted the policy of " purchasing weapons for the army and recruiting new dwellers to strengthen the frontier region " and enabled Yanbian area to open up and the eastern frontier region to develop .

  3. 这个XSD文档定义了一个购订单。

    This XSD document defines a purchase order .

  4. 尽管这些鼠尾草有一部分购自本地,但还有许多较为稀奇的品种是购自FlowersbytheSea,这是位于加州埃尔克(Elk)的一家经营邮购业务的苗圃,可提供大约400个科属和品种的植物。

    Though some of these salvias were bought locally , many of the more unusual varieties were ordered from Flowers by the Sea , a mail-order nursery in Elk , Calif. , that offers about 400 species and varieties .

  5. 生产队长列出一张购货单。

    The team leader made up a purchasing list .

  6. 中国游客站在东京秋叶原区一家乐购思商场前。

    Tourists from China stand outside a Laox Co shop in the Akihabara district of Tokyo .

  7. 新巴车队中目前仍然有一架购自中巴的都城嘉幕都城型巴士,作训练巴士之用。

    There is still one Metro Cammell Weymann Metrobus in NWFB fleet and used as training bus .

  8. 全城的人都出来观看队列仪式。生产队长列出一张购货单。

    The whole town turned out to watch the procession . The team leader made up a purchasing list .

  9. 坚持小生意的诚信;宁可一人购千次,不可千人购一次。

    Tenet : insisting on dicker sincerity ; rather make one person purchase for thousand times , than make thousand persons purchase for one time .

  10. 随著经济的快速成长,国人消费的消费型态也已经由强调「自助式、低价、一次购足」的大型量贩店取代了传统的零售店。

    As economy grows up fast , compatriots'consuming patterns have changed to a large-scale hypermarket that emphasizes on " self-service , low price , once purchase " from a traditional retail business .

  11. 金字塔式销售(商品销售方法,一经销商购得经销权后将部分转售给其他经销商)。

    Pyramid selling ( method of selling goods in which a distributor pays a premium for the right to sell a company 's goods and then sells part of that right to other distributors )

  12. 在超市的发展过程中,大型综合超市因能满足人们一次购足的需求,而得到飞速的发展,并逐渐成为超级市场中的最主要类型。

    In the process of supermarket development , the general merchandise store develop rapidly because of it can satisfy the people to buy the full demand one time , and becomes the most predominant type gradually in all kinds of supermarkets .

  13. 一种基于购电全局最优的实用调度计划方法

    Practical dispatch plan method based on electricity purchase global optimization

  14. 我方想强调说明的是,这是一次试购。

    We would like to stress the fact that this is a trial order .

  15. 但是,知道一件所购之物的成本效益率并不等于知道了它的价值。

    But knowing the cost-benefit ratio of a purchase is not the same as knowing its value .

  16. 我方手头现有一份欲购大量苦杏仁的询价单。

    UNIPAC price list We have an inquiry in hand for a large quantity of bitter apricot kernel .

  17. 介绍一种以购电费用最小为目标、火电机组按照电价竞争上网的新算法,算法的主要优点是既能满足机组的爬坡率约束又能很好地满足各时段的负荷需求。

    This paper presents a new method which considering unit ramp rate and system load balance aims at minimizing the system purchase cost .

  18. 一位美国购片商表示:眼下我们承担不起任何风险,我们正十分艰苦地跟人讨价还价。

    We cant afford to be taking any risks at the moment and we are negotiating very hard on price , says one US film buyer .

  19. 按昨日股价计算,中国国开行在巴克莱所持股份的价值,自一年前购得这块股份以来差不多已经减半。

    Based on yesterday 's share price , the value of CDB 's investment in Barclays has roughly halved from when it bought the stake a year ago .

  20. 公路收费模式一直是人们关注的热点问题,目前我国的公路收费的种类主要有三种:一是车购费;二是道路通行费;

    It always is a hot question for people to concern highroad fees pattern , The species of the highroad fees now in China mainly include vehicle purchase , highroad toll and road-maintaining .

  21. 尽管四月出台一系列限购措施,但是似乎并没有使地产商们伤筋动骨。

    Expect of the rate hike frustrate the real estate There has been a series of limitation on the sales of the real estate since April , but it seems made no sense .

  22. 从配电公司的自身利益出发提出了一个考虑购电成本、需求响应以及其它因素的分时电价定价模型,并针对购电商是否具有市场力两种情况分别进行了分析。

    Based on self-interest of distribution company , an optimal pricing model for time-of-use ( TOU ) electricity price is proposed , in which the purchasing cost , demand response and other factors are considered .

  23. 大用户直接购电是电力工业市场化改革后引入的一种新型购电模式,其主要目的是为了促进发电侧和售电侧的竞争,满足用户的需要。

    The direct power-purchase for the large user is a new pattern for purchasing power after the reform of marketization of power industry with major aims at improving the competition between the generating electricity party and the seller and meeting the requirements of users .

  24. 这件作品名为上帝之爱(FortheLoveofGod),是这位艺术家根据两年前从伊斯灵顿一个标本商店购得的一个18世纪人类头骨,用铂金浇铸的复制品。

    The work , entitled For the Love of God , is a platinum cast of an 18th century human skull the artist bought from a taxidermy shop in Islington two years ago .

  25. 加拿大西安大略大学(WesternUniversity)毅伟商学院(IveyBusinessSchool)的李升桓(SeungHwanLee,音)和琼•科特(JuneCotte)设计了一份“消费者购后后悔量表”(Post-PurchaseConsumerRegretScale),以追踪购物者后悔的原因。

    A Post-Purchase Consumer Regret Scale , developed by Seung Hwan Lee and June Cotte at what is now called Western University 's Ivey Business School in Ontario , tracks reasons for shopper 's remorse .

  26. 深圳地铁一号线增购项目车辆的防火设计

    Fireproof design of metro vehicle for Shenzhen Metro Line 1 express

  27. 她有一辆从法国购得的左座驾驶微型汽车。

    She has a left-hand drive Mini that she got in france .

  28. 她开出一张长长的购货单。

    She wrote out a shopping list as long as her arm .

  29. 论离婚时一方贷款所购房屋及其婚后增值部分的归属与分割

    On Attribution and Split about House with Single Loan and Post-Married Increment When Divorce

  30. 在美国以一枚镍币可购得的最划算的东西,是打电话找到要找的人。

    America 's best buy for a nickel is a telephone call to the right man .