
  • 网络One vote system;integrated ticketing
  1. 古尔德先生号召采取“一人一票制”。

    Mr Gould called for a move towards ' one man one vote '

  2. 协调各方利益关系,采取一票制营销策略;

    Coordinating the interest relationship , adopting " one-ticket " operation sale strategy ;

  3. 旅游景区一票制及其效率&基于产品捆绑定价模型的经济学分析

    The Unified Ticket Policy and Its Efficiency in Scenic Areas : An Economic Analysis Based on Bundle Pricing Model

  4. 但是,农村股份合作经济组织政社合一、股权封闭和实行一人一票制等的制度缺陷,严重阻碍了农村集体经济的向前发展。

    However , the disadvantage of the share of rural cooperative economic organizations which called " government-in-one agency ", shares closed and the action of " one person , one vote " system and so on , is a serious obstacle to the rural collective economic development .

  5. 另外本文着重指出,在给中小企业评价之前,要对其诚信状况进行调研,对于不守信企业采取一票否决制。

    This paper also pointed out that before the evaluation of small and medium enterprises , research the status of their faith is important , vote to the enterprise is because of itself untrustworthy .