
  1. “举行婚礼,老爷,举行婚礼!”几个人的声音一彪齐喊道。

    A wedding , sir , a wedding ! Cried several voices .

  2. 然后又是晴天霹雳似的胜利的呼噪,一彪人拥进了草棚,直扑屠维岳和李麻子。

    Then , unexpectedly , a roar of triumph as a crowd of angry women burst into the but and hurled themselves straight at TU Wei-yueh and pockmarked li .

  3. 可是蓦地从侧面冲过一彪人来,像钢剪似的把这女工队伍剪成了两橛。

    But just as suddenly , a crowd of men charged in upon the women from one side and cut their ranks in two like a pair of shears cutting through a piece of cloth .