
  • 网络registered architect
  1. 国家一级注册建筑师,曾任中国建筑技术开发总公司总建筑师。

    National1st Class Registered Architect and ever worked as the Chief Architect in China Building Technique Development Corporation .

  2. 持一级注册建筑师资格证者优先。

    Class-I Registrated Architect or equivalent professional certificate from overseas preferred .

  3. 注册建筑师分为一级注册建筑师和二级注册建筑师。

    Certified public architects are divided into Grade-1 and Grade-2 certified public architects .

  4. 中国建筑师对绿色建筑评价的理解及选择&对一级注册建筑师的问卷调查

    Local Architects'Perceptions and Preferences about Green Building Assessment in China & A Questionnaire Survey among First Grade Registered Architects

  5. 姜传宗教授是一名建筑教育家和一级注册建筑师。

    Professor Chuanzong Jiang is an educationalist and1 RA-PRC .