
  1. 虽然城乡医保统筹是一个可供选择的方案,但是是否能够在这样差距的经济不均等地域实施统筹,还有待进一步验证。

    Although the urban and rural coordination of medical care security system is an alternative solution , whether it can be done in this place with a gap in economic development remains to be verified .

  2. 大庆市医保城乡统筹项目的启动与实施,一定会伴随着一定的风险因素,如果项目风险不能够有效控制,就会影响项目的运行与发展。

    The kick-off and implementation for Daqing medical insurance overall urban-rural development project will come along with a certain risk factor , they will impact the project progress if the risks cannot be controlled effectively .