
  1. 信息技术在医疗服务贸易中的作用

    The Role of Information Technology in Healthcare Trade

  2. 医疗服务跨境贸易中许可证专利权和技术标准问题

    The problem on Licence , Patent and Technical Standard of Multinational Trade in Hospital Service

  3. 这意味着,在未来几年内,新兴市场的货币必须升值;产出重点必须从t恤和电器等贸易商品,转向房地产和医疗服务等非贸易商品。

    This means that emerging market currencies will have to appreciate , and the weight of output will shift from traded goods such as T-shirts and electronics to non-traded goods such as real estate and health services over the next few years .

  4. 中国将进一步扩大物流、金融、商务、医疗、教育等服务贸易领域开放,促进服务业加快发展。

    We will promote further opening in such service sectors as logistics , finance , business , medical services and education , and accelerate the development of the service industry .