
  • 网络Medical Services Market;medical market
  1. 未来医疗服务市场的竞争将是核心竞争力的竞争。

    Competition in the medical market in future will be the competition of core competence .

  2. 第三方购买:医疗服务市场化改革的路径选择及其经济学分析

    " The Third Part Purchase ": A Way in Medical Market Reform and an Economic Analysis on It

  3. 加入WTO对中国医疗服务市场的影响

    The effect of China 's entry WTO on medical service market

  4. 目的论述进入WTO后,医疗服务市场需关注的几个焦点。

    Objective To discuss several questions cared by the medical service market after joining WTO .

  5. 加入WTO后我国医疗服务市场的再分配及医学人才培养对策

    The redistribution of the medical service market after China entering WTO and the countermeasures of training medical talents

  6. 我国加入WTO后对医院冲击主要表现在医疗服务市场、医院管理模式、医学人才等竞争。

    With China 's entry into WTO , domestic hospitals will confront such shocks as competitions in the market of medical service , the model of hospital management and the recruitment of medical talents .

  7. 并介绍了医疗服务市场的经济学特性。

    And describes the economic characteristics of the medical service market .

  8. 六种意识与医疗服务市场竞争力

    Six kinds of sense and competitiveness in the medical service market

  9. 论现代医院医疗服务市场营销战略

    The marketing business strategies in the medical care of modernized hospital

  10. 我国内地医疗服务市场对外开放的政策回顾及走势

    Policy review and trend on opening health services market in China

  11. 医疗服务市场竞争愈加激烈;

    Competition in the market of medical services will grow increasingly fierce ;

  12. 北京市医疗服务市场医疗装备竞赛现象验证

    Study on Medical Arms Race in Beijing Health Service Market

  13. 培育农村医疗服务市场的难点及对策探析

    Exploration of the difficulty and countermeasure to establish rural health service market

  14. 医疗服务市场是一个受政府严格管制的市场。

    The medical service market is regulated government strictly .

  15. 结果显示,特需医疗服务市场容量大,并且持续增长;

    Market capacity of special medical care is enormous and it continue growing ;

  16. 医疗服务市场定位&医院获取竞争优势的手段

    Positioning Stratagem in Healthcare Service-Core Mean for Hospitals to Sustain Preponderance in Competition

  17. 关于医疗服务市场的几个认识问题

    Certain Cognitive Matters Concerning Medical Care Service Market

  18. 分析了目前我国医疗服务市场化的现状,主要有政府对医疗的投入减少、管理放松,以公立医院为主体,多种所有制医院并存和在医院的管理中引进企业管理的模式等。

    The present condition of the medical service commercializing in our country was analyzed .

  19. 医疗服务市场的特点及伦理学

    Ethics and Nature of The Health Service Market

  20. 政府责任与医疗服务市场的涵义和特殊性;

    The meaning of governments ' responsibility and medical service market and its particularity ;

  21. 而外部性也是医疗服务市场的重要特征之一。

    The externalities are an important feature of the medical services market is one .

  22. 试论医疗服务市场条件下的效率

    On the Efficiency of Health Services under Market

  23. 谈医疗服务市场特征及营销策略

    Market character and marketing strategy in medical services

  24. 医疗服务市场缺陷与强制披露制度的经济学分析

    The economic analysis on the lack and compulsory exposure system in medical service market

  25. 医疗服务市场中的各种市场失灵要求政府进行规制。

    All kinds of market failure in medical service market requires regulation by government .

  26. 医疗服务市场机制论

    Discussion on Mechanism of Medical Service Market

  27. 医疗服务市场的宏观调控&总需求与总供给的平衡

    Macro-Level Regulation and Control of Markets for Medical Services & Balance between Overall Demand and Supply

  28. 关于医疗服务市场化的思考

    On Commercialization of Medical Services

  29. 分析医疗服务市场的现状,指出其中存在的问题。

    Analysis of the present situation of the medical service market , and points out the problems .

  30. 随着医疗服务市场化的进程,医疗事故的经济属性逐渐明显。

    With the market development of medical service , the economic essence of medical malpractice is distinct increasingly .