
  • 网络resettlement housing;Housing Placement
  1. BT模式在旧城改造安置房建设工程中的应用

    Application of BT Model in the Transformation of Housing Placement Project within Old City

  2. 本文通过某区旧城改造安置房建设工程实例来分析项目采用BT模式的优势。

    This paper analyzes the advantage of the project to use the BT model by a example in the transformation of the old city of the housing placement project .

  3. 同时,美国联邦应急管理局(FEMA)已向新泽西州和纽约州的受灾地区运送安置房。

    Meanwhile , FEMA says it 's starting to deliver some manufactured housing units to areas in New Jersey and New York that were hit hardest by Superstorm Sandy .

  4. 政府在规划建设安置房过程中的风险控制初探

    Discussion on the Risk Control for Government in Planning and Constructing Relocation Housing

  5. 某社区地震灾区过渡安置房建设项目卫生学预评价

    Hygiene Pre-assessment on New Construction Project of Post-Earthquake Shelters

  6. “一房”建设安置房工程。

    " One House ": building settlement houses .

  7. 村民安置房规划设计

    Villager Placement Housing Planning Design

  8. 本文就灾后临时安置房外观颜色选择及搭配进行了详细论述。

    In this paper , the appearance color of reasonable selection and collocation of post-disaster temporary housing is discussed in detail .

  9. 多数农户期望安置房与现有农村住房类似,仍能满足农村住房的储存、晾晒以及搞养殖的功能。

    Most farmers expect the type of the house is similar to the existing rural house which has the function of storage , drying and engaging in farming .

  10. 包括宝钢等大型企业在内的国有聚苯乙烯及钢材制造商,已奉命提高建造过渡安置房所需材料的产量。

    State-owned polystyrene and steel producers , including big companies such as Baosteel , have been ordered to ramp up output of the materials needed to build the temporary houses .

  11. 因此,在安置房建设过程中,要允分听取农户意愿,注重保持农村特色和风貌。

    Therefore , in the process of constructing the house , relevant departments must fully listen to the willingness of farmers and pay attention to maintaining the rural characteristics and styles .

  12. 而现在永久安置房迟迟未能建成使用,数以十万计居住在临时过渡房中的人们将如何应对即将到来的寒冬?

    Now , permanent housing placement for the delay in completion , hundreds of thousands living in temporary transition in the room will be how to deal with the coming winter ?

  13. 拆迁安置房作为保障性住房,随着城市化进程的加快,建设发展迅速,规模日益扩大。

    With the accelerating process of urbanization , the construction of the resettlement housing acted as the welfare-oriented housing is developing rapidly , the scale of the resettlement housing is also expanding remarkably .

  14. 围绕以上几个要点,结合杭州某农转居拆迁安置房小区景观设计案例,进一步分析并提出了相应的设计对策。

    Based on the above points , combined with a landscape design case of resettlement housing community for farmers removal in Hangzhou , the author analyses and puts forward the corresponding design measures .

  15. 征收安置房的类型繁多,最常见的分类是根据建设用地的性质的不同,分为集体土地上的征收安置房和国有土地上的征收安置房两类。

    It has a variety of types , and the general type is classified basically on the land style , which is divided into collective land levying settlement dwelling and state-owned land levying ones .

  16. 为保障不同收入家庭对住房的多样性需求,国家开始大力建设以经济适用房、拆迁安置房和廉租房为主的保障性住房。

    To protect the the diversity of needs of families of different income on housing , countries begin to give great efforts to build affordable housing , Including affordable housing , resettlement housing and low-rent housing mainly .

  17. 由于拆迁安置房建设需要一定的周期,在区域范围内无法及时建成一定规模的安置房,以致成千上万的拆迁户在外过渡。

    Since the construction of resettlement housing requires a certain period of time , and in the region can not be completed within a certain amount of replacement housing , so that tens of thousands households have to transition outside .

  18. 竣工决算阶段造价控制是总结农民安置房建设从筹建开始到项目竣工交付使用为止的总费用,是工程造价的最终确定。

    The completion of final stage of cost control is to sum up the resettlement of peasants from the building began to build the project until the completion of delivery of the total cost of the project cost is finalized .

  19. 为解决不同层次居民的住房问题,国家建立了以廉租房、经济适用房、公共租赁房、棚户区改造安置房为主要内容的保障性住房供应体系。

    To solve the housing problem of the residents of different levels , China sets up the affordable housing supply system with low-rent housing , economically affordable housing , public rental housing and Shanty towns transform houses as the main content .

  20. 本文以CQ公司作为典型案例,运用方差和回归分析的方法,对动迁行业中安置用房价格给动迁成本造成的影响程度进行了分析,为专业动迁公司的动迁成本测算提供参考。

    This thesis is about the detailed analysis on the influence of allocated house price on removing cost through mean squared error and regressive analysis by taking CQ as a model case , which may give some advices on cost e-valuation to those professional house removing and demolishing corporations .

  21. 动迁安置用房价格对动迁成本的影响分析

    Analysis on the Impacts of Allocated House Price on Removing Cost

  22. 产权清晰、无权利负担的安置用房证明。

    The certificate of resettlement houses with clear property ownership and free of encumbrances .

  23. 自从她孕期获得雅虎任命以来,我们已经目睹了她的两度孕期,为她短促的产假议论纷纷,为她办公室里安置的婴儿房和保姆们惊叹不已,也被她办公室里那对可爱的女宝宝的海量照片萌到。

    From the time she was appointed when pregnant , we have watched her through two pregnancies , tutted at the scant maternity leave , marvelled at the on-site nursery and nannies and ogled endless photos of the cute baby girls in the office .

  24. 随着房地产事业的蓬勃发展,作为拆迁安置楼的盒子房应运而生。

    With the development of real estate industry the box buildings emerge as removal settlement building .

  25. 北京市出台了一项针对集体土地拆迁、安置方面的新政策,用于定向安置用房项目,称三定三限三结合政策。

    Beijing issued a new policy & the directed settlement project in order to resolve the resettlement issues in the collective land , which is called " three directions three limitations " housing policy .