
  • 网络Safe Control
  1. 为LotusLive部署的安全控件为敏感信息提供隐私和可控授权,同时支持业务操作。

    The security controls deployed for LotusLive provide privacy and controlled authorization to sensitive information while enabling business operations .

  2. 安全编辑控件是特殊的密码编辑控制耐药性的窗口间谍和内存翻斗车。

    Secure Edit Controls are special password edit controls that are resistant to window spies and memory dumpers .

  3. 如果信任中心检测到一个可能不安全的activex控件,默认情况下将禁用该控件,并且出现消息栏通知您activex控件可能不安全。

    If the trust center detects a potentially unsafe ActiveX control , the control is disabled by default , and the message bar appears to notify you of a potentially unsafe ActiveX control .

  4. 研究了具有安全认证的窗体控件的开发过程,实现了Windows窗体控件通过浏览器的安全认证。

    According the research on the development process of Windows Forms control with safety labeling , Windows Forms control can pass browser security certification .

  5. 您目前的安全设置阻止不安全控件的运行.所以,该页面可能无法象预料的那样显示。

    Your current security settings prohibit running ActiveX controls on this page . As a result , the page may not display correctly .