
  • 网络Variation;mass variation;qualitative variation
  1. 厚黄土薄基岩煤层开采岩移及土壤质量变异规律的研究

    A Study on the Law of Rock Movement and Soil Variation in Mining of Coal Seams of Thick Loess and Thin Bedrock

  2. 而响应均值放大系数和响应方差放大系数均单调增加,在δ≤5%时增加的幅度都很有限,且均与质量变异无关。

    However , both amplification coefficient of response mean and amplification coefficient of response variance were monotone increasing , enhanced amplitudes were finitude when δ≤ 5 % and independency with mass variation .

  3. 连翘质量变异研究

    Studies on diversity of quality of Forsythia suspensa

  4. 工序分族的解决方法一是建立面向质量变异分析的分类编码系统。

    This problem can be resolved by formingSpare-classify coding system according to quality variance .

  5. 不同植被条件土壤质量变异较大,耕地、针叶林地对土壤质量状况改善效果较差,牧草、阔叶树效果较好。

    The soil quality improvement effect of land and coniferous tree is poorer , the effect of grass and deciduous tree is better .

  6. 论文指出实现综合平衡从按多指标要求设计混合料发展到以分工论为基础的结构层功能设计外,还应针对当前工程实际,加强以施工过程控制为基础的工程质量变异性的控制。

    To achieve the synthetical balance , the paper points out that the mixture design must develop to the functional design of pavement layers , the paper also points out that process control based quality assurance system should be strengthened .

  7. 针对各里程碑计划,以大量的试验及检测数据为基础,分析这些影响因素的变化规律及其对路面性能的影响,提出减小施工质量变异性的措施。

    According to the milestone plan and a large number of test or inspection data , we analyze the influence factors of the change and the influence on the performance of the quality of construction , and put forward the measures to reduce variability .

  8. 本文的研究工作力求通过对施工质量变异性的分析,达到对水稳基层施工质量进行过程控制的目的,减小施工变异性,提高路面基层的使用质量。

    The research makes effort to control the quality of the base course during its construction through the analysis of the parameters variability of construction , fine out effective measures to reduce the construction variability , and make sure the high quality of the pavement structure .

  9. 本文针对混凝土质量变异的特征,探讨了用质量管理图对混凝土进行强度质量控制的可行性,并根据混凝土生产的具体特点,提出了用快速实验强度对预拌混凝土进行强度质量控制的方法。

    Aiming at the quality variation character of ready mixed concrete , the feasibility of strength quality control with quality control graph is discussed in this paper . Based on the specific characters of the manufacturing process , the instant strength quality control technique of ready-mixed concrete was established .

  10. 道路工程建设质量的变异性总是存在的。

    The quality variability of road construction is always present .

  11. 成都平原区土壤质量时空变异研究

    Study on Temporal-Spatial Variability of Soil Quality in Chengdu Plain

  12. 可以从一个侧面反映喀斯特地区环境质量的变异。

    And it can reflect the environment quantity changing of Kast area in a new aspect .

  13. 京杭运河江苏段水环境质量时空变异研究

    Study on the Spatio-temporal Changes of Water Environmental Quality in the Jiangsu Section of Beijing-Hangzhou Canal

  14. 杉木无性系扦插苗产量和质量的变异与相关分析

    Variation and Correlation between Characters Relating to Yield and Quality of Rooted Cuttings from Chinese Fir Clones

  15. 菜田土壤质量空间变异及养分精准管理研究

    Study on Spatial Variability of Soil Quality and Site-specific Management of Soil Nutrient in a Vegetable Production Area

  16. 首先,根据生产过程波动理论,说明质量具有变异的特性。

    First of all , explain quality have the characteristics of mutation according to the production process wave theory .

  17. 应当制定书面程序来监测会造成中间体和原料药质量特性变异的工艺步骤的进程,并控制其生产情况。

    Written procedures should be established to monitor the progress and control the performance of processing steps that cause variability in the quality characteristics of intermediates and APIs .

  18. 本文利用1995-2005年中国省级的工业污染数据检验了城市化和工业集聚过程中环境质量的变异情况。

    Using the industrial pollution data of Chinese provinces from 1995 to 2005 , this paper tests the variations of environmental quality during urbanization and industrial agglomeration of China .

  19. 试验组与CK中6类呈味AA质量分数的变异程度1.752%,属可接受范围。

    In the test groups and the control , the variation of the mass fraction of 6 sorts of flavor creating amino acids was 1.752 % in the acceptable range .

  20. 结果:12例患者如期完成康复程序,生活质量及心率变异性明显改善,出院前生活均能自理,其中9例运动试验测定的METS达5.17±0.71。

    Results : 12 patients had accomplished rehabilitation procedure . After exercise rehabilitation , heart rate variability was increased obviously , the quality of life was improved . 12 patients reached the stage looking to themselves in living and doing some light housework .

  21. 土地质量的空间变异与尺度效应研究进展

    Review on Spatial Variability and Scale Effects of Land Quality

  22. 航天诱变对棉花农艺性状与纤维质量性状遗传变异的研究

    Study on cotton agronomic character and fiber quality character for space mutation

  23. 杉木杂交后代胸径生长和木材体积质量的遗传变异及联合选择

    Chinese fir : genetic variation and combination selection in DBH growth and wood volume weight for filial generation

  24. 茸质量性状的变异系数均较高,尤其以清原品系的最高。

    Coefficient of variation of fresh velvet weight character in each population , especially in Qingyuan , was relatively high .

  25. 系统可以生成面向工序质量特征值变异规律的唯一编码,并能将所有编码相同的工序分为一组。

    The system can create unique code of procedure quality eigenvalue varying rule and can group such procedures with the same code .

  26. 对家庭和双生子的研究表明,基因因素占人体质量指数群体变异的40%至70%。

    Family and twin studies have shown that genetic factors account for 40-70 per cent of population variation in body mass index .

  27. 该方法通过建立基于方差分析晶圆生产工序质量的多变异分析模型,研究了晶圆生产过程中3种变异与总变异之间的定量关系。

    In this method , a model based on multi-vari analysis is set up to analyze the relationship between the total variation and the three kinds of variation .

  28. 土壤特性具有时空变异性,人类活动对土壤质量的时空变异具有深刻影响。

    Heterogeneity of soil characteristics was existed between temporal and spatial scale and human activities has a profound impact on the temporal and spatial variation of soil quality .

  29. 目的:研究使用氟西汀对老年慢性充血性心力衰竭患者生活质量和心率变异性的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effect of Fluoxetine on quality of life and heart rate variation ( HRV ) in elderly patient with depression and chronic heart failure ( CHF ) .

  30. 实施六西格玛管理,不但可以改进产品质量,减少变异,降低缺陷,提高顾客的满意度、忠诚度,而且还能享有前所未有的财务回报。

    The application of Six Sigma can not only improve the quality of products , decrease the variation , reduce defects and increase the satisfaction and loyalty of customers , but also enjoy an unprecedented financial return .